Do you hear what I hear?

Said the night wind to the little lamb
Do you see what I see?
(Do you see what I see?)
Way up in the sky, little lamb
Do you see what I see?
(Do you see what I see?)
A star, a star, dancing in the night
With a tail as big as a kite
With a tail as big as a kite

Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy
Do you hear what I hear?
(Do you hear what I hear?)
Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy
Do you hear what I hear?
(Do you hear what I hear?)

A song, a song high above the trees
With a voice as big as the sea
With a voice as big as the sea

Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king
Do you know what I know? (Do you know what I know?)
In your palace warm, mighty king
Do you know what I know? (Do you know what I know?)

A Child, a Child shivers in the cold
Let us bring him silver and gold
Let us bring him silver and gold

Said the king to the people everywhere
Listen to what I say! (Listen to what I say!)
Pray for peace, people, everywhere
Listen to what I say! (Listen to what I say!)
The Child, the Child sleeping in the night
He will bring us goodness and light
He will bring us goodness and light

Do you hear what I hear?  Do you see what I see? Do you know what I know? Listen to what I say!  Pray for peace, people everywhere.  These are very good questions to ask ourselves and something to aspire to as an American or queer community.  NO matter what your religion, spirituality, or beliefs are, we should pray, ask, hope, desire peace for people everywhere.  

I wish this was the message I would see copy and pasted this holiday season, and don’t get me wrong, the messages of hope and unity are there. You just have to sift through the hateful garbage, misleading bolded texts, and false narratives to find them.  Messages of hate and oppression written by someone or people who want America to fail. People who want our democracy to fail. I think it’s worth fighting for. 

Soon we will be inundated with false narratives on social media and even some faux news outlets that some of our families and friends will blindly believe. And these outlets have a goal in mind. They want to turn each our country into a place where it’s no longer safe to practice your/our civil liberties. 

Here are some of ‘em beeoches,

  1.  Right to Fair Trial
  2. Freedom of speech
  3. Freedom of religion
  4. Freedom to assemble and protest
  5. Freedom of the press

For some of us, we wonder if those civil liberties ever really applied to us. Since traitor trump has resurrected the white confederate racist spirit that wasn’t quite dead but hidden; all of these rights have been challenged, definitions twisted in order to abuse the system, and drive wedges between us as a people. 

It started with the erosion of trust of the press.   Which as a gay man there was some distrust with right wing media outlets like Fox News/Faux News that already existed.  It doesn’t take a genius to see the huge misrepresentation in what they report and pass off as news and who they are reporting to and for.   LGBT+ people, people of color (POC), and Jews have a hx of being misrepresented, vilified, and blamed for injustices, bigotry, and hate that plagues us.

Instead of defusing anger and racism they, like traitor trump fan the flames in hopes that America burns. There were many opportunities they’ve had to unite our people, but greed, power, and corruption are their driving force. And that doesn’t play well for equality and opportunities for all.  What’s your driving force?

So, do you see what I see? People are afraid, shit I’m afraid, of another traitor trump presidential term.  The news as of late has been refreshing. A B-I-G THANK YOU to Jack Smith for saying what’s so obvious for most of us Americans to understand, that a President of the United States should not be given blanket immunity for crimes committed during their time in office.  That’s just stupid. Dumb and screams white rich entitlement louder than anything I’ve ever heard or ever witnessed.

I’m so happy to see that traitor trump is being kicked off the ballots in a few states. I wonder why the Attorney General in CA has not kicked traitor trump off our ballots? I wouldn’t expect him to be kicked off the ballots if I still lived in Utah, but I thought CA was different.  I thought CA wasn’t just about white rich fake Christians, but maybe I was wrong.  

Do you hear what I hear? I’ve had various conversations that echo conversations many of our queer peeps had during the last traitor trump administration. The same conversations of planning, worry, and fear that were even louder during the insurrection.  These conversations are back. 

Many of our people fear they will have to leave America because, yes bitches, you heard me right.  I’ve heard it over and over again and not by my clients this year (yet). Should that fat evil bastard win, our safety and the safety of queer people across America will be challenged. The safety of minorities will also be challenged, and the safety of Jewish people will be challenged.  Look at the writing on the fuckin wall.

As we watch many refugees come across our border, I can’t help but fear that may be us in the near future. Leaving our homes, our land, our country in hopes of a better and safer life and existence. When you boil it down to the rawest form, that is why I’m here in Palm Springs.  But I have no illusions that even Palm Springs won’t survive another traitor trump administration.  We will all be at risk.

I caution you to be careful with your words and your judgement as you see these people pouring over our borders.  This could be you and this could be me should people vote for someone promising a dictatorship. How we treat them may just come back and bite us in the ass and not in a good way.  Hey Christians, how about you be more like the Jesus you claim to know.

Do you know what I know?  Should evil prevail, it’s going to get ugly.  It will be, as it has been forever, easier for the rich gay white people to leave our country in hopes of a better safer life than everyone else.  Those of us with limited income or no income won’t have as many options to leave and may just be stuck in harm’s way.  What would you do?

I’ve now heard people creating their own safety plans (a term used a lot in the DCFS world).  Without safety- we have nothing, so I love a good fucking plan.  Queer people, families, couples, and singles all talking about where they would move or are planning on moving should the worst possible outcome happen to our country and an insurrectionist who promises to be a dictator becomes the republican candidate or worse president again.  

As a homo who is not worldly or well-traveled, I’d never know where I was to go if the worst candidate in American history wins.  I appreciate these conversations because I trust the content, when it comes to safety, is real. As real as the threats to our democracy, freedoms, and civil liberties. A few of the places I’ve heard are safe for happy homos to go are Madrid (Spain), Philippines, Lisbon (Portugal), Berlin (Germany), and Canada.    I’d never have known if someone didn’t tell me so I share that with you.

But before you go evacuating if agent orange wins, how come you don’t stay and fight for your right to exist?  I don’t know if I would be one of the people who flee. I think I’d be one of the people who stayed to fight for our rights to exist, marry, adopt, and love.  I’d be a happy member of Le Queer Resistance. Sometimes we have to fight just to be allowed to love. Love is worth fighting for. I think you are worth fighting for. I think I am too.

I pray for peace for people everywhere.

Happy Holidays,

The Happy Homo

PS Its time our families across America start choosing their queer children, nieces, nephews, cousins, uncles etc. over an insurrectionist.

PSS  I’m not trying to be an alarmist, I’m just starting a conversation because you bitches are already talking about it.  I’d hate for us to be caught off guard and not plan accordingly should our country and its constitution die.

PSSS  I too was fearful but seeing that the courts are doing the right thing has me all hopeful and shit.  But a court is only as good and honorable as the judge who makes the ruling. If you have a corrupt judge like Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas or Republicans too pussy and corrupt to call out an insurrectionist the system fails.   I’m praying they do the right thing for all of us. American refugees doesn’t have a nice ring to it.

PSSSS Be careful with the hateful messages that you copy, paste and put out in the world. You may be doing the insurrectionists job for them.

PSX5 I know its not Christmas anymore. I got a little distracted but the message is the same. We need to start talking about it cause the fear of the death of our country is alive.

PSX6 Happy New Year – Welcoming a loving, happy, and safe 2024 for all of us. I also hope that Andy and Anderson get to drink tonight #cnn #andycohen #andersoncooper #letthemdrink #getthesezaddiesadrink #zaddiesgottazad #iprefermyzaddieswithbooze

PSX7 New Year – are you setting new intentions? What are the stepping stones to achieve that intention?