The faceless many evade their newborn brothers,
in this city driven by guilt.
Shame runs across ghastly feared faces,
     unearthed-hide -no discoveries.
Bastard children walk alone, afraid to speak their name.
Fear of whom may hear their voice. Hate lurks in the dark listening silence.
They long for each other-comfort in families.
Unspoken name.
Different faces are the same. All share one truth,
Truths that travels down Capillaries Highways.
Velocity creates wreckage from an uncontrolled traveler.
From one-comes many. History Repeats.
Bringing life and death.
Unaware of who controls the stringless marionettes.
For its an unfamiliar voice regurgitating; not my words.
Who would instill hatred & judgment-lacking love in these who cause our silence.
Each one doesn’t dance fearful to stand out.
 Consistently each one purchases thoughts, the same thoughts.
  Retained moments only, if at all.
Medulla’s few- embed these rules, “right ways”- processed.
Only memorization; verbatim takes place. Mindless.
Quickly winds carry the distortion of thoughts remained.
Innocent ears listen-become distorted.
Apple flavored sins once used now unused.
Judgments all the same for Unique who stands alone.
Alone eager to help any who sorrow and loneliness have given them false identities.
Conversations may commence, family discovered.
They all will leave this place-healed.
Departure time uncertain , deterred/delayed their flight.
Don’t be frightened to stand up and stand alone.
Others await your strength, I pray for your voice.