In Utah there is this other crazy white woman named Gail Ruzicka. And if anyone had ever asked me… I think she’s Anita pie in the face kind of oppressor just like that orange juice lady was. She’s crazy oppressive for all life that doesn’t look white or religious. Says that once someone cums in your pussy and fertilizes an egg that it’s life.
*Side eye* I mean sometimes it gives me life when they cum in my bussy- but common.
And is against helping poor families (poor minority families), against education, against healthcare for all people, and protecting employees or tenants against harassment. And I haven’t even brought up any LGBTQAI+ rights/equality she’s against.
I hate to say it but I even heard she had a gay child that committed suicide. That maybe he was addicted to drugs or something? At least that’s what I heard and I’m not sure if its factual or just gay+ gossip. People would say to never bring it up, never to comment about it, or acknowledge it because its rude.
I didn’t know him or his name, but I think that his life mattered enough not have to tip toe around what someone else may find offensive. Especially if everything they try to support hurts my community, potentially hurt their child (or hurts yours), or aided with hate and neglect in their own child taking their own life. What would have acceptance and love done in that situation?
My whole point in even bringing her up is because she’s also smart and effective in spreading her evil oppressive voice. She runs a group called the “Utah Eagle Forum.” They are super effective in persuading politicians on how to vote and I hear it’s all because of their call list.
One person is assigned to call two people. Then those two people call their two people on their list… and so on…. until everyone gets the message and agrees with how to procced with a vote, a phone call, an email, which decides a weak spineless and Christless politicians vote for what to and not to support.
Should gay Palm Springs do something similar so none of our community is left behind in the event of an attack? Is our facebook page that for us? Would it be secure enough for a broadcast message should shit really go down?
I’m not trying to freak anyone out, but this was really what traitor trump said. He called the insurrectionists “hostages.” Is it time to start having those weird and scary conversations? I do love a good plan! So, what it is? What’s the plan? I trust most of you… and we are in this together.
Looksie happy homos… I don’t have faith that they (traitor trump and the haunting evil spirit of the confederacy) aren’t going to use violence. I don’t have faith that the dodge drafter is going to accept any other winner, except for him (and not demand violence). I think if not now… then we need to have the conversation soon.
We might be approaching some Meantimes but, in the meantimes we can also find ourselves, community, our people, love, our resolve, and strength.
And no, we should not stop living as free as are here because of the unknown. So do we Gail Ruzicka the gay desert? Or do we let them GAIL RUZICKA our gay desert?
I look for your reply. A conversation and/or a direction to unify.
God Bless America,
The Happy & Proud American Solider of a Homo
PS I think that we might be having a small war with a very small group of people in the near future. As long as Russia and the other haters stay the fuck out of it- we got them bitches beat. Together we are stronger, we outnumber them and we are ALL sick of their bullshit.
PSS We should support the fuck out of Ukraine right now… just to make sure that Russia can’t interfere when traitor trump does attack. That bitch is not going away quietly.
PSSS And you and I and JLo aren’t going anywhere.
PSSSS If she really did have a gay son that committed suicide…is that the person’s advice that a young parent should follow? If he was real… he deserved love, acceptance, and the opportunity to thrive.
PSX5 Even the gays in politics kiss Gail’s ass. One of them even supported a Chick-fa-la – ew