Wow, yes, this is real. We are all having a shared anxiety experience. We need to acknowledge it and say what it is so that we can make a plan about it; if necessary and it’s necessary.
Trump being reelected would be detrimental to all of us. I see the panic in each of my clients’ faces, tears, and voices. They are scared about the future and so am I. Humans can have an evil side, especially nazis. They will put us (queers, Jews, Muslims, disabled, and all minorities) in a camps. That’s what they did in past and trump has said he will put people in camps in the future. (PROJECT 2025) Believe him!
He’s using words like “Reich” on his platform and we should be nervous about this sh*t. We need to turn out the vote so that we don’t have to fight in the street.
I am calling on our queer leaders. Our people need to hear from you. Please send positive loving messages to them and me. We need the love in this moment.
Every single one of my clients is freaking out and they have every right to, and so do I. This is real.
To the community (especially where it’s not safe to be queer) I love you and I also share this new collective anxiety. We may just hit a fight or flight response in the near future (there is also freeze but we can’t do that, nothing is not an option. We have to ACT up again).
We are in this together and if we stay together, unified- there is nothing we can’t do. United we stand or divided we fall.
God bless America, Palm Springs and every other safe haven for queer people, and queer people all across America (And love to minorities, Jews and Muslims here and all across America.)
I love you and YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
Now we have to figure out how to use this anxiety to our benefit- to prepare.
In Love W/Freedom,
The Happy Homo
PS We celebrate Freedom and Independence tomorrow. Lets make sure its not the last of this celebration.
PSS Yup, that’s my JLo shirt. Finding the love and joy.
PSSS (Hummingbird Files will be uploaded to the YouTube Channel so please like and subscribe. Filming content on Friday.)