My Fellow American in Democracy,
Heey, gurrrl, hey. So, it’s finally fucking here! Thank GaaaaWAAD! Tonight, we go to sleep and wake up and its finally election day. As we lay each other so good to sleep, I pray our democracy our freedom to keep. Tomorrow night we find out if America has truly moved passed racism, bigotry and hatred once and for all, and moved towards equality for you and me. Or is it the death of the ideal that so many of us believed in- that the American Dream is available to all of us, and we find out they lied and it never existed.
Either way, I hope to catch you on the other side of this in love and freedom. Whatever the results may be, we are a country that was based in racism and bigotry, but I believe in the best parts of humanity and hope that through exposure and love – that hatred disappears.
I hope to catch you on the other side as American citizens who believe in the fundamental rights of everybody to speak as they’d like- freedom of speech, freedom of religion or not, the right to keep and bear arms and fuck bears, the freedom of assembly (and gang bangs) and the freedom to petition (against those who wish to do us harm, take away our rights, free and fair elections, or our democracy).
Although I do think that we need to modify freedom of speech slightly; because it can’t exist as it currently does at the detriment of our democracy or our shared rights. Maybe we show a truth bar or scoring rating on the screen of all streamed material? I don’t know, just an idea. Freedom of speech needs to be updated to match the technological advancements we’ve seen in our lifetime. Our forefathers did not have the foreskin or foresight to predict there’d be such an evil person running to overthrow our government, with zero scruples, morals, and lack of give a fuck for their fellow American- like traitor trump.
I know there are protective measures in the Constitution that proved to hold true and strong to the test of time and actually saved our democracy last election! Our forefathers didn’t take into account the strides of technology and the vastly amount of easily accessible misinformation. WE almost lost our democracy and need to update our rules to match technological advances.
Look, Russians have taken their hatred and desire for the US to fail to the keyboards. WE are facing a lot of Russian disinformation. We need to change the rules as the rules for evil to exist so blatantly and to spread have changed and expanded.
I hope to catch you on the other side – standing and fighting (if we have to) for our right to exist, love, and thrive. Regardless of the results, I hope that I catch you on the other side with those same expectations- always!
On this eve of the election, I’m going to go out in faith and declare Kamala Harris our next President of the United States of America, in the name of Jesus, Santa Muerte, JLo, and anything else you may believe in. We’ve literally had one of the worst candidates in America’s history. He literally tried to destroy our constitution, democracy, and free and fair elections. Like ewe. EWEWWWEW!
If American’s are posed with the choice to have Russia overtake our democracy through a candidate like traitor trump or through a challenge of a female POTUS like Kamala Harris, let it be through a female POTUS. Let Russia, Putin, North Korea, Kim Jong Un and/or White Supremacists all around our great nation falsely underestimate our female American leaders. Let them find out the hard way – that at our basic American core- we believe in our American women to make the right choices for themselves and all Americans.
Paul Revere is quoted as saying, “Stand up, Americans. The challenge is coming! The challenge is coming! Let freedom continue to ring!” Regardless of what the results are I will stand arm and arm with my homo brothers, sisters and gender non-conforming people no matter our age or sexual preference. Standing arm and arm so that each and every one of our rights to exist will always remain, no matter how much money you or I make.
I know people make some crazy amounts of money here but that doesn’t mean you can’t always put your fellow homo front and center of your face, dick and when it cums to their rights to exist and thrive. We should vote accordingly!
I declare Kamala’s victory tomorrow because we need her to exist in our world whether you like her or not. We need her to win so that you can continue to thrive or have the potential or dream to thrive.
If the other side wins, and rest your wrinkly faces it won’t (don’t make the wrinkles worse), evil doesn’t actually win in the end. It’s in the Book, remember I’m a judgy Utah Christian and I actually read that boring ass Book. Even though I’m not planning on going back there anytime soon, Utah is in me – like I want some of you to be.
And why should I go back to Utah? My family and friends can’t always make me feel safe there, and by the way some of them vote- I don’t! Look, I can’t thrive there. Although it seems hard to do here sometimes, at least I fucking can if I try hard enough. I’ve never felt that before in my life and why would I go back? I’m not going back, and I hope Americas aren’t going back to a time where we weren’t given the opportunity to THRIVE!
I declare victory in the name of Jesus and Kamala Harris because I’m not ready to give up on humanity just yet.. not because of a bunch of shitty people and not because of traitor trump. There are more good people in the world; at least that’s my experience so far.
And I don’t plan on running away if that bitch wins either. We all need safe people to turn to should that happen. And even in the possible future mean-times, I hope we always find each other, lift each other up, and stand up for each other- even if they try to take those rights away from us.
I hope to catch you on the other side – in love and freedom standing for each other’s right to exist. I love you and our rights. I finally made it here, to PS, and I hope to make it here, in PS.
And props to our forefathers! They deserve acknowledgment and their dues because of this great country we live in and the freedoms we share. We as American people, now get to move passed their dreams of freedom and imbue on a new dream that all Americans deserve the opportunity to thrive. America is alive and well.
My girlfriend said, “After all the Constitution is a living document.” And regarding our forefathers, well those bitches are dead, but we are alive, and we get to decide, vote and fight for our freedoms, dreams and aspirations if we have to.
Willing to Fight with You if this Heaven On Earth is Ever On the Line,
One of Many Happy Homos
PS I love you.
PSS true to traitor trump form the day before the election about Papa Joe endorsing him. Gaaayross!
PSSS FYI* Hard work is joyful work… just like my current job. It’s hard but joyful and rewarding most of the time.
PSSSS I’ll tell you the truth, I don’t trust that elon musky to launch or be in charge of anything flying in our American skies over the next few days.
PSX5 In my next life, if I have to cum back, I want to come back with a Katie Perry body. HAAAWT! She’s so hot. Still a Swiftie 5-Eva.
PSX6 I’m filled with blessed reassurance that everything is going to be okay. Philly DA is warning to those who wish to attack our free and fair elections, “Anybody who thinks it’s to play militia, F around and find out.” This makes me feel like Americans have opened our eyes. I hope we never have to hear another officer screaming in horror as they are crushed by an angry white mob fighting to perpetuate a lie. I pray for the safety of our officers, election officials and workers. God Bless America and may God protect our democracy!
PSX7 I hope that you are voting for Kamala Harris to be our next President of the United States of America. Every vote matters. Every vote says no to the evil devil spirit that once haunted America and murdered so many of our citizens.
PSX8 The advancement in technology also has so many perks. I’ve felt like I’ve been at every Kamala Harris rally. Loooving it – I love America! SBASB should President Harris need me.