I’m typing this with Christmas music playing in the background and a JLo Beauty face mask on.  I may look like a mummy right now, but I’m filled with so many emotions this holiday season and some of them are good. As we head into uncharted territory next year, we must do the things that make us happy and make us feel good. We need to look for the glimmers in our community.  Look for the goodness, safety, and light because that is what will guide us on our journey in the mean-times. Because giving up on each other, equality and doing what’s right for our planet is not an option.

After the election I wrote the following email to my clients and some of them said how they needed to read those words- so I’m sharing them here in case you also needed to read those words. 



I wanted to take a moment to check in with you and let you know that each and every one of you are in my thoughts.  The recent events are hard for so many people across America to understand and accept; especially people within our community. 

 In our grief I hope that we are kind to each other, develop deeper safe relationships, lean on each other, stand up for each other, if need be, and give each other some grace as many of us go through the stages of grief and loss. 

“The stages of the grieving process include shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, testing, and acceptance. However, people do not always go through the process in this particular order, and some steps last longer than others.”  I’m also a human being and am feeling grief as well.  In our shared grief I want you to know you are not alone. I will cry with you. Give you a hug if you need it or I’m happy to just sit with you and listen. I’m going to try and meet each and every person where they are, but I also ask for some grace for me and M (Intern) too. We feel this loss deeply as well. 

There is no schooling, degree, or education that can prepare a person for a potentially new oppressive reality. I am an American and I believe these words apply to all of us, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” I’ve always lived my life with that in mind.

Please speak out if you are struggling and need a phone call, an appt, or just need someone to listen or cry with.  As you go through the stages of grief, and you reach the anger part. Please don’t misplace that anger on any of your loved ones, strangers in our community, or people who provide you services. WE ALL need to feel love and kindness right now.  Don’t let their hate and desire to oppress others become your own.

We all need a life jacket right now, and I hope as we put ours on and prepare the best we can, that we also help the next person put theirs on (if needed).  We can be each other’s life jackets if we must.  I want you to know that I care about each of you.  M(Intern) sends his best regards, and we are here for you, but please be generous with your grace and forgiveness if we miss something but know our best intentions are with you. 

Hope to see you soon to share moments of love, joy, and peace.

In Community Together, 

L (Me) & M(Intern)


I know that not everybody who reads this is a client and I can’t offer everyone a phone call.  What I can offer is a virtual hug and the message that you matter just as much as any other American (no matter what race/gender/sexual orientation/religion).  Now is not the time to give up. Now is the time to love a little deeper. 

Happy Thanksgiving to You,

The Happy Homo

PS I told myself I wouldn’t buy the JLo Beauty masks because they are a little pricy for me, but I’ve changed my mind. It’s a moment of self-care for me and I enjoy it. So, I’m going to do what I enjoy.

PSS Coachella Valley – I love you and if we have to face our demons – better that we face them together. Stronger together. (A new friend told me that I should steer away from saying PS I love you because it really applies to the whole valley and not just Palm Springs). If I forget, PS means all of us. We are in this together.

PSSS Now I could use some stuffing… 😉