I was just out feeding the hummingbirds and the bees… yup, I’m feeding the bees too. The bees are new, and initially uninvited. I only wanted the hummingbirds… and for sure no fucking mosquitoes! The other day a bee tried to fly up my shorts and I watered it with the hose, I know I’m soooo mean. But alas He lives! I didn’t want to get stung on my junk. Perhaps I should have been more specific in my prayers for a bigger fatter juicier cock. Let it happen Lord, just not by a bee sting.
The following day I was hanging up the feeder, because it is filled a couple times a day these days; them birds be hooooongry! Then a bee landed on the tip of my fiddle finger and danced around. My thought bubbles were filled with screams, but then I started to send the bee a telepathic message to please not sting me! I’m here and I mean you NOOOO harm! I continued to talk to the bee in my mind.
“Bee, I admit I have fear about being stung by you and it’s a huge misunderstanding I thought I needed to have to keep myself safe. I was wrong. I apologize for making it a little more difficult for you bees to come into my yard to enjoy yourselves over the summer. The spay is for the misquotes but seems to keep you away as well.”
I realized that I have a fear bias, even though I think bees are the tits and we need them to survive on this plant, I am slightly scared when they land on me. I always seem to find myself running away at the very sight of them coming my way. I’d rather not risk getting stung, but could I be missing out on something very special because of my fear bias? Which is weird when you think about it cause I’ve only been stung like twice in my life but have seen a beezillion bees over my lifetime.
I think this experience made me realize that I don’t need to just tolerate those hard-working bees, but I should make my outside spaces safer for them to exist, cause they deserve to exist. They deserve to thrive and land on a happy homos finger and dance around if they want to. They are just trying to work and feed their family. *Note* I can neither confirm nor deny where that sweet finger of mine had been earlier that day, but the bees seemed to like it.
Yea, so those hooongry little bees just come onto the feeder and eat and use my free resources and do nothing. What freakin freeloaders-right? Just like all those other retired free loaders on social security and/or those collecting disability from our government. Fuckin freeloaders! OMG, I’m totes kidding and was just trying to get your attention. I truly don’t feel that way. You’ve paid into it your whole life. You deserve it, and we need to take care of our most vulnerable among us- the disabled and the elderly. That’s what differentiates us from other species, isn’t it? And the bees actually make our world livable.
Can you beelieve that the American way of life is literally at jeopardy because of the uber rich and mostly racist and greedy white men? And they also place the world in jeopardy, because they seem to want to choose greed over doing what’s right for our planet and the bees.
So, I’m working on my initial response in my thought bubbles when encountering bees. I’m trying to change them from beeing, “Ew don’t crawl on me.” “Ewewewe, please don’t sting me.” And the old fashion Happy Homo squeal “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” (As I run away.) To something more like, “Aaah, I love you little bee and won’t hurt you so please don’t hurt me.” Or, “Aaah you literally are the bee’s knees, and wings, and thorax…thanks for coming to say hello.” And that seems to be working so far.
I’m also being like way calm when I’m out there with the birds, so that helps keep the bees calm too. I think they might meet you wherever you are or force them to be. The birds calm me, which helps with my own anxieties and fears with the bees. Just because they have a stinger doesn’t mean they want to use it, but they will if they have to. It seems like everything, including birds and bees, and most people just long for peace, love, and the ability to thrive without the added obstacles thrown in our way.
I’ve slowly started to watch the news again. Don’t get me wrong, it has been great to tune out and tune into nature for a minute; but that can’t be long term. It has quieted the hate noise that some of our own countrymen and women seem to have for people like you and me. I know many of us have taken a time out on the news, but eventually we have to tune back in. We must know what’s going on in our world and with our leaders so that we can act and plan if we must.
I read an article that highlighted some republican tweets- ugh who even tweets anymore?
“Of all the deceptive sales techniques the U.S. government has used on the American people, one of them—the Social Security Act—gets far too little attention. Buckle up because this is a wild ride.”
And “It will be my objective to phase out Social Security, to pull it out by the roots.”
— Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) – Retweeted by the other scary guy.
Like ewe- so many people will be hurt 🙁
I feel like this might just be a page out of the Putin’s ‘Russia Takes Over America Handbook’. First, they attack our most vulnerable, the disabled and the elderly. They break their spirits, their banks, and any hopes and dreams they have left, then move on to the next vulnerable group. Ooops, I had it wrong…. first they attack Mexicans and brown people, then second they attack the elderly and disabled, third they attack Queer people with an emphasis on trans people. Then the Jews at their synagogue, and then Muslims at their places of worship. Then the Asians or not upholding or respecting Native American treaties, their sovereignty and self-governance.
What’s left of the Native America worlds and culture exists inside of our American world (even if they were here first). A world within a world. I think our leaders maintaining some sort of decency for our fellow human beings is vital to their survival and ours. Are we on that path? Or are we all on the chopping block? Is the only differentiating factor the time frame at which they come for these different groups? Can we be certain they won’t come for you too?
Since we bee talking about it, what is our threshold when it comes to future atrocities? Do we stay quiet while they attack each one of the above named groups? Do we wait until they attack us? Wait for the moment when its two or more of these groups on the line? What if they begin to obliterate people like in so many moments of American history? Tulsa, Trail of Tears, Slavery, Killers of the Flower Moon, red lining, and so much more evil shit that has been done to people of color, women, the poor and uneducated. Eeee! I just think these are scary people with no good intentions for you, me, or America. When I look at them, it looks like they mean to cause harm.
At least that’s what the empath inside me feels. What’s your thoughts? And just an FYI, the reason they are attacking the department of education is because they want you and future Americans to be dumb and uneducated. They don’t want you to bee expecting the worst thing they could do and have done throughout American history- so they can take you by surprise.
They want to control what you learn to control the narrative, even if it’s a false one. Seems like they want to make you poor and uneducated so Americans will be easier to control (classic Putin move). Now that’s some scary shit!
I think they are aiming to break you down so that you can’t fight back. They break your spirit, so you don’t have hope, dreams and aspirations or even think that you deserve a chance to thrive. I’m going to hold on to my hope, dreams, aspirations, and my faith that Jesus just may come down to give them all the ass whopping they deserve.
So that was a real long way around for me to just say that working bees deserve a chance to thrive. We don’t need to make our world harder for them to do their jobs and support their families. Plant flowers- bee happy.
Although I’m nervous about Americas future and the safety of our communities across our beautiful country, I choose love. I choose the birds, the bees, the puppies, and the things with green leaves. Remember, we are always stronger together, united we stand or one by one we all fall. And BTW the bees were here before I arrived, they belong here just as much, if not more than you and me. Without them- there is no you and me.
Praying for Peace, Protection, Love, and a Hot Daddy,
The Happy Homo
PS So I’ve decided that the last chapter in the Bible might be coming true. I’ll review my thoughts on it in a different blog so those that don’t want to hear it don’t have to read it. But I’ll tell ya what- I’ve been rockin out to Jesus music every day since the election just to feel better (and its worked for me). That and I’ve been in perpetual prayer asking for help from above to deliver us from the evil ones. (In Jesus name A to the Men- whoop their ass Lord and stop them from destroying America.) I’ve also been watchin a lot of cartoons.
PSS I don’t know if you’ve seen the meme going around about the LGB wanting to forget about the TQ+? That’s them trying to separate us and I hope ya’ll don’t fall for that shit. Cause there is beauty, love, strength, and intelligence in the T and Q+. We all deserve the right to exist- TQ+ do too. (And some of those comments have bee brought to light here in our own PS community.)
They will try to divide us and make us think that one segment of our community at a time doesn’t deserve to exist- until we are all gone or in hiding. We all deserve the right to exist and thrive. And I think they will begin to do the same for all other segments of America’s diverse society if we let them. What’s your threshold? I hope some strong ass leaders emerge before they start hurting people. Lord, don’t let them hurt our people or our planet. Stay safe out there, praying for you and they and them- and those mother fuckers ova there too. We all deserve the right to exist and to thrive. This meme that is going around should be called out as false – we love all of our community! We want to celebrate our Pride.
PSSS It literally upsets my tummy to think that the extreme rich and greedy seem to want us sickly, poor, and uneducated. Aint that a bitch? Oooo, one of my girlfriends who helped me change my mind about bees in my yard recently posted, “Got my COVID and Hepatitis Vaccines. Get em while you can.” How scary to think the safety of American lives could be at risk. From government workers like FBI agents losing their jobs due to the dismantling of the FBI, to adding “Floride” contaminates (unmonitored) to our drinking water and possibly doing away with immunizations from deadly diseases? WTF, is this all really on the line? Barf.
PSSSS If you haven’t watched the Winston Churchill doc on Netflix, “Churchill at War” – YOU SHOULD! It’s inspiring and I hope that America’s own Winston Churchills and Franklin D. Roosevelts will begin to pop up around our country to protect the innocent, the elderly, the disabled, and our planet. Are you the next Churchill? the next Roosevelt? I sure hope so.
PSX5 Stoner thought of the day… What if that crazy guy works with Russia to bomb California? And he does nothing because it’s full of people that oppose him? I think he would sacrifice American people and his own supporters that live here in exchange for power, greed, and vengeance. Sometimes I let my mind spiral, but then bring it back with the birds and the bees, the puppies and the trees. But that’s some scary thoughts and they don’t seem all that impossible. I think we all should be concerned and prepared for the worst of him. They hint at mass extinction and a new world order, and I fear it’s here. I hope I’m wrong and I hope the Republicans in the House and Senate stand up for democracy and freedom like Churchill and Roosevelt did in their shared decade.
PSX6 Do things that make you happy…. I finished all the Where the Bears Are movies and loved them and laughed a lot. I also recommend revisiting previous episodes of Ruples, watching Drew and Ross, and anything else that feeds your soul. I can’t wait for the new JLo movie to come out! “Prove them wrong!” Because together we are unstoppable!
PSX7 So glad to be here and not in Utah breathing that soupy smog or that hate from Mike Lee. Who knows… this new administration might make it easier to smog up all of America. I sure hope not.