Have you ever been thought bubbling to yourself and bubbled, “Uh-oh, did I suck the wrong dick yesterday or is this the beginning of strep throat?”   *blushes* Oh, you haven’t?  *looks side to side*  Me either!

Okay, I totes thought bubbled that just last week. 

Sometimes, even when your back hurts (from it going out like it does from time to time), when a big white pretty dick pops out to say , “Hiya Hoe” and a cute white Daddy asks you to suck it… You, if you were me, would shrug your shoulders and say, “Yes, Sir!”   

Well, I thought that big pretty dick, although beautiful and veiny, might have given me something deep in my throat (other than a load, which he didn’t do cause my back hurt too much to finish; What?  I said my back went out, didn’t I?).  I thought bubbled, “Fuck goNOoooorrhea of the throat?”  And, “Oh MY, what if I have a fucking a clappy throat?” Then,  “Aaaah, fuck it sure looked like it was in good health.” (Thinking about the dick.)

It has been a minute since I sucked a dick, probably before I had to put my dog down. I don’t always want to suck one, but sometimes you just really can’t say no to a pretty dick. But that doesn’t mean I won’t take a blow job.   Does it have to be reciprocated all the time?  I say nope.  I also say I was going to cum later anyways, so why not? (Things I ADHD thought bubble.)

So, yea, if you haven’t picked up on it yet… I’m still grieving about my dog and my back fucking hurts. I’m afraid that both will always be true. That dog got me through a lot of hard shit, so many hard times.  I’m so glad that he stuck around long enough to see our struggles become fewer and fewer, if even just a tiny bit. 

I admit, I’m still waaaay poor compared to most of you, which is fine, I’m working on it.   But it has been nice to be able to rush my dogs to an emergency room when something was wrong and be able to pay for it. 

To have a few dollars in the account to pay up front, like they make you do for an emergency vet appointment, really helps a dog dad/parent be present in the moment, instead of having to call for help like I did a few times in the past.

I sure miss that little old man, Mr. Puppy Pie.   Hmmm… thought bubbled again, “What if all the times he was trying to get away from me was because I kept telling him I was going to put him in a puppy pie and eat him up?”

I digress; it is nice to have just enough of my earnings to make it go the distance as everything started to increase this last year for ALL OF US.   Insurance up, inflation up, HOA fees done gone up, Indian Land Lease fee up, steaming platform fee’s up, eggs, groceries, gas -everything has gone up, but I know a lot of Americans were not able to go the distance like I barely did. A lot of families with young children or people taking care of elderly parents (like you old hooches) are struggling.   

Now the traitorous bastard and the real president of the United States, F-Elon Muskrat are going after your Medicare and Medicaid.  I bet all the poor/brown or other any other minority/ queer/seniors/women/medical professionals and any other victims of his lies, feel soooo stupid right now. So many are having voter’s remorse. 

To them, I have to say, – WE FUCKING TOLD YOU SO! They are coming for your Medicaid, Medicare and food stamps. I had a Tia say, “I’m voting for him cause he gave us that check.” No, he didn’t give you a check, the American taxpayers did. That was not his money. Shoot, you probably pay more in taxes than he and F-Elon Muskrat combined.

That’s a lying, cheating, greedy boat you tied yourself and America to with your vote and all for a stupid $1200 check.  I guess that’s how much some souls go for these days?  And now you are going to eat your words cause that may be the only thing available for you to eat in the coming months. You did this to yourselves.  I have nothing for you when that time comes because I told you how much he hurts my community and you voted that way anyways. 

“It calls for $1.5 trillion in spending cuts, with an additional caveat: The House package has to include $2 trillion in cuts to the “mandatory” part of federal spending, which covers programs like Medicare, Medicaid and food benefits known as SNAP, or $4.5 trillion amount in tax breaks must be reduced by a commensurate amount.”   https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-gop-panel-approves-budget-blueprint-steep-tax-spending-cuts-rcna192002

It’s time for you to detach from that greedy criminal boat that is trying to kill you, your American families, communities, and your American fighting spirit. We welcome you back to a democracy with the caveat that you believe it is available for everybody- or don’t come back at all.  America is not just for you, or the uber wealthy, it’s for everybody!  At least it’s supposed to be.

I also think it’s time to pay special attention to which republicans are voting to destroy America and who is actually going to detach from that authoritarian boat and swim back to the fucking Constitution.  They will be the people who are in America’s way and preventing YOUR- OUR freedom and democracy! Now what you do with that info is going to be interesting to watch.

When white people get mad, they get craaaazzzy!  And white people are getting mad. I just went to get a box of bullets to tuck away (just in case), and the cute little white girl at the counter said just that, “People are getting mad. They are cutting education and my sons on an IEP.  They are fucking with our kids. People are getting mad, I’m mad.”  To which I said, “Me too girrrl, me too.”  

So that makes me thinkypoo … EEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! White people getting mad about their tax dollars being stolen from kids, the poor, disabled people, and seniors and funneled to the greedy ship that is trying to sink America. (All the while being granted $400 million in USA gov contracts. No free lunch for kids, but a whopping $400 million for F-Elon!)

It’s about damn time they get mad. Took ‘em long enough. I know I love and prefer me some peace and equality just like everybody else, but I know what it feels like to be oppressed.  Many of these white people don’t and they gettin mad about it! All over this country Karen’s are getting mad cause that traitor, the republicans, and F-Elon Muskrat are fucking with their kid’s food, health and education.  I say, “Get mad Quarens/Karens.”   We should be mad.

What do you do with your anger? My back totally makes me super grouchy and not finishing someone off because of back pain also makes me more upset.  I decompress with writing, gardening stuff, some yoga stretches, JLo, Beyonce, Taylor, XTina, Gaga, and Norah Jones.  I also smoke some weed, and it makes me happy and releases some back muscles.  I think birds, puppy dogs, and nature are also a good outlet. Oh, and exercise- which I’m starting to get back into.  (Cause I don’t love my chineck.)

But how we respond to each other when we are mad matters. See, I’ve been staying home cause my back pain totes turns me into a grouchy bitch. I’m short with people (not even a short joke). I’m crabby (and not talking about my astrological sign). I feel like screaming but I don’t want all of my grumpy American anger to spew all over you and people in our community. I don’t want to lash out at anyone that doesn’t deserve it anymore (like so many people do).  I want to be kind to our community.

I can hear you now, she said all that and didn’t even go all Utah Christian on us.  Well, I was just about to…we used to sing this song in church a long time ago, “They will know that we are Christians by our love, by our love.”   So that’s how we find each other- love.  Cause the commandments we were supposed to follow the most are to love God/god and love thy neighbor (above all else). These Utah Christians and so many other types of Christians are doing it all wrong, hate filled bitches. They worried about your soul… when they should be worrying about their own evil soul.

Noper, I’m not telling anyone to treat their republican friends rudely, just saying that we need to be kind to the people who are on our same side. People who have shown up for you, your communities and American democracy.  We are all feeling the anger bubbling up because of the dismantling of our government. Find positive and healthy ways to release it. Maybe suck a dick, if your back will let you.

What will the Quarens and even scarier, the Karens of America do next?  *gets opera glasses* I can’t wait to see how this turns out.  I hope to God that America, love and equality win.  Please Lord, let the Constitution survive and thrive! Who will turn out to be our new American sheroes/heroes? And what lengths are our future heroes willing to go to save our democracy? And can they hurry up about it already? His own words were something like, “He (or she) who saves his country doesn’t violate the law.”

So, I took my Doxy-Pep just in case the whitening and razor blades in my throat was something that needed attention. Maybe it was just strep?  Who knows?  What I do know is Doxy-Pep would work for all kinds of infections and it has.

Clears a Happy Healthy Hoooongry Throat,

The Happy Homo

PS I’m thinking about getting another puppy. Going to do a walk through the shelter first, but I think I want a puppy- puppy. Genni Lou has been super needy during work hours like never before and I think she needs a friend (so she can leave me alone while I’m working). 

PSS Geeesh, I wonder how much longer those of us who provide medical/mental health services will have a job? What are we going to do if, no… when they gut Medicare and Medicaid?  Ugh, I was just feeling the thrive of my American dream too. Ugh, annoying.

PSSS  Did ya’ll watch Ruples? OMG, either I had a really calming strand of Mary Juanita or the  Snatch Game was a struggle bus. Everyone except for Jewels Sparkles, Onya Nurve, and Lexi Love were a pee break and I just didn’t know it yet. I think those three bottoms are on the top right now .   Quinta Brunson is the winner of life and this season’s Snatch Game.   And oooo, you know who is Onya Mynurve? Miss Suzie Toot and her white superior attitude while shitting on er’body else’s American drag dreams. But it might just be the times were in too. Time will tell.

PSSSS Political divide amongst friends is okay. We need to hear each other out.  I made a post on a friend’s timeline that may have started to build a divide.  They made some anti trans comment, “Like when congress took away my daughter’s right to go to the bathroom without a trans person in there.”    I pointed out the likelihood of their daughter going into a bathroom at the same time a trans woman is – was likely never going to happen anyway.  Trans people only make up 1-2 percent of the population. Yet, they are taking on 75% of the hate that appears to be unifying the opposition. Their shared hate of trans people sadly brings them together to oppress out loud. I’m so sorry the trans community has to deal with that shit and will just add… there are a lot of us Americans that love you, believe you belong, and are endowed by our creator to have unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of you own motha fuckin happiness.  I vow to mind my own businessessss and not hyper focus on what genitalia you have between your legs or what clothes you wear.

I left the conversation that I was having with this person with a little parental advice.  To be careful about the hate she puts out into he world because you never know who your young kids are going to grow up to be.  Leaving a digital imprint of hate for your future trans or LGB kids to discover, if they haven’t already been subject to the horrible things you say about the queer community, could be heartbreaking.  I still remember when I was a kid and a gay person came on TV and my dad screamed, “Fuck that faggot! Fucking faggots! Turn that shit off then.”  That’s just one example, but it hurts young tender-hearted individuals to hear hateful things about who they secretly are. It could break their spirits.  So don’t be dicks, suck one.

I hope all parents realize just because someone else is loud about their hate for the queer community, they don’t have to be.  I hope they aren’t the nail in their child’s coffin because they care so much about what someone else does in their bedrooms or what they do to their own bodies. Don’t limit your kid’s potential by breaking their fucking spirits, the world will eventually try, you don’t have to partake of hate in your own home. They will know we are Christians by our love, by our love.

PSX5  Fuck YAAAAS, Sheryl Crow! I’m going to have to add her to my Gay Boy Party Playlist now.

PSX6  I have talked to a few older clients that have been on long term HIV medications and they experience bone pain, back aches, and even neuropathy.  Things I feel I struggle with and flare up from time to time- like right fucking now!  A couple have said that after changing over to the 2-month injections they don’t feel bone pain and their neuropathy is gone.  I think that’s my next move. I wonder if that is a lot of your experiences?