I feel like in the “normal” mainstream world we queer folk often are easily dismissed, ignored, overlooked, underestimated, and sometimes mistreated.  How the fuck do I know? Well, I’m glad you asked bitch, cause I was just about to tell you! I know because I’m a brown happy homosexual, duh!  I’m homo AF and was born and raised in conservative Utah. Yes, ma’am, I think I know a little bit about the subject material.   In addition to coming from oppressive Utah, I have a television and I see what’s happening in our world.  It’s sad and hurtful, and it angers me that they continue to attack us and our rights.

This country has been hijacked by a crooked Supreme Court that wishes to turn your everyday living into their church.  No, Ma’am- I don’t want to be a part of your hate filled religion. I’ve got my own and it isn’t oppressing things or other humans that are different, it’s love.

They have granted permission to racists and bigots alike to discriminate against you and me.   That’s so sad, but queer resolve is not broken, its bent but not broken.  I don’t mind a bend, in the right direction but taking away our rights – I do mind. Let’s face it discrimination is not new to us, and it didn’t go away with that law that protected us up until a few days ago.  It happens too frequently and too many of us have been wounded by its hate filled sting. I know I have. Yet we remain, queer resolve is strong. Your resolve is strong.  We can bend with them for now, but we won’t give up and we won’t stand for discrimination against our people.  

We are a strong people. Hunty, there is nothing weak about taking a 9-inch dick in the butt. There is nothing weak about dancing in your underwear all night long and then getting up in the morning for work. You are strong and we will get through this together. And besides, I’ve seen some of you at the gym, store, or about town and you bitches are strong.  Not only are you strong, but this city is also filled with some of the most talented homos I’ve ever met. We’ve been checked by the long arm of oppression, but it’s not checkmate hookers.   (That’s probably the only chess reference I’m going to have ever.)

As I watch the latest news its evident that it’s not only us happy homos that are under attack, but People of Color are too.  They gutted Affirmative Action, which evened the playing field for a lot of us accessing higher education. They also stripped my hopes of a lower student loan payment. Those bitches.  If you ever wonder who that $20,000 loan repayment would benefit, it’s people like me! We have to be more visible than ever. And I see you, boo.

As the reality of the blow, no not cocaine, of future discrimination settles in my mind I realize just how lucky I am to be here and not in Utah.  I feel much safer here in Palm Springs than I ever have before.  Not one person has called me a faggot in the grocery store or tried to intentionally run their shopping cart into me at Target.   So, yes ma’am I know a little bit about discrimination, and I know that you have a lot of life left in ya, so don’t give up because of them. 

Today’s post was supposed to be about Rhonda Rae, and it still is, I just had to vent.  So, today’s post is brought to you by the letter O, A, and F… for Old As Fuck.  Yes, now that Rhonda Rae is 80, he OAF and I love it and love him.  This whole experience with befriending an 80-year-old has been challenging, fulfilling, and has taught me more about patience than I ever wanted to know.  Like really, more than I’ve ever wanted to know, LOL.  He’s my family here and sometimes family tries to make out with you from time to time, hey I’m from Utah.  And the reality is that I don’t get mad at him for it, if I were 80 I’d be trying to get some from a 45 year old too. Wait, a 45-year-old that looks 30.  Fine, that looks 35.  I’m happy he still has that kind of drive and life left in him and I hope you do too.

So, Rhonda Rae and I went shopping last week. We went to look at scooters and powered wheelchairs.  It is getting more challenging for him to stay on his feet for long periods of time.  We tried more than a few scooters out and even rented one for him to try out.  As we left the store I asked him, “Does that happen to you a lot?”  Ron, “What are you talking about?”  Me, “Well they all talk to me and not directly to you. You’re the one with the money and its for you not for me.” 

Each time the salesperson would speak to me I would lift up my finger for them to hold and then would point to Ron. “It’s for him.  Talk to him.”   He says that he hasn’t noticed it, but I sure as fuck do. Just cause he’s 80 it doesn’t mean he’s not present. He has a better memory than I do and often has to remind me of shit I have to do.  It also happened when we took him to the ER when he wasn’t feeling well; they talked to me and got the finger. He’s like an 80-year-old living breathing pasty white day planner that loves nipple play.  He can answer the questions all on his own. It’s rude to assume that because someone is older that they don’t know what they are shopping for or talking about.

I have to admit, I wouldn’t change this experience with him and this desert. It makes me happy to know he’s there in my corner. He makes me happy and we laugh together.  I’m happy to help him.  And yes, she can be a bit of a baaaatch sometimes, but who isn’t? We all have bad days. He’s become my desert family and I just have to say to him, “I see you Boo.”  If other people don’t see you, I do.  It’s nice to have an anchor as my roots start settling in the sand.

Rhonda Rae, yes I see you and I love you Boo, and I will give them the finger and point them in your direction when they should be speaking to you and not me.  It leads me to my last point; we need to see each other more now than ever, especially queer seniors. It doesn’t hurt to smile and acknowledge one another while we are out and about.  This is our gay mecca and it should be filled with love, kindness, and peace. We have to do our part to keep it happy and safe.

I think Palm Springs is good at seeing people, not great but good for the most part. And you have brown people here, I love it. That brings me to my next point, which is important!!!  There are going to be many people in our community who aren’t as strong as you and me.  The recent attack on our community and our right not to be discriminated against could have wounded one of our tribe member’s spirits, possibly even fatally.  That’s the sad reality, when they do shit like this- we lose not just our rights but sometimes our people to suicide.  We have to answer their hate with love for one another, now more than ever!  We have to see each other. One thing is for certain, discrimination is coming our way.  We fight it together or we lose. Your kindness to a community member could be their lifeline. See them…I see you.  Stay strong and stand in love.

Give ‘Em the Finger,

The Happy Homo

PS  its pool party day.  Can’t wait to see the men in them speedos. I hope I get to taste one. I’m wearing some too tight swimming trunks. Fun!

PSS  Is anyone reading this? Hello?  Anyone?

PSSS   Wishing you a very Happy 4th of July.  We still have a lot to fight for and you are resilient.

PSSSS  I got some cute new little swimming trunks. I’m still a little gooey around my edges and hope I don’t look too fat. Gonna shake it either way.

PS5 It’s important to see our older queer brothers and sisters. You have the opportunity to be a Day Maker and show them some love.   Their feelers are still feeling things and love and support from you and me should be one of them feelings.

PS6   Speaking of feelings… be cautious, 80-year-olds are still trying to feel with their hands too 😊  Old perverts, I love it.

PS7  I love and see you too boo.  

PS8 Disclaimer,  I always ask Rhonda Rae if I can talk about him in my blog before I post it. I read it to him and make sure he approves.  He’s really the only person that I use his name. I wouldn’t use anyone else’s names outright. 

PS9  We also need our straight allies to be vocal about their support for us. Their actions of kindness matter too.

PS10 You deserve love. You deserve to live a life without discrimination. You are deserving and there is nothing wrong with you. Their hate and need to oppress people is what’s wrong. Don’t believe their lies- you are deserving of a good and happy life.