Part I (Cause it was too long to post in one post. Rhonda Rae was right I talk too damn much.)
I just witnessed the most sickening thing…a woman returning multiple “gifts”, clothes, bikes, skateboards, dolls… all given by Angel Tree. Walmart didn’t give her cash, but they gave her a gift card to be used for ANYTHING Walmart sells! After almost crying (seriously), I asked the Walmart associate how often they saw this, the answer was ALL DAY the day after Christmas… IF you do give to ANY of the multiple organizations that give to the needy children, please take time to mark through the bar code with a black Sharpie (Walmart says they look for this and knows it’s donated)…The marks have to go the same way as the bar code, across the middle does nothing.
Wouldn’t it be so fetch (hey fetch may still happen), if we all read this post the same way? And that it evoked the same feelings for all of us and that the way we perceived, received, and processed this little message was the same. How did you read it? (If there is a you actually reading this.)
Did you think about the poor children? or get mad at the villainous greedy slutty mom who is not working, living off government food stamps, probably on drugs, and has different baby daddies and likely doesn’t know all of them. Does this woman have a brown face, black face, or white face? Is she educated or uneducated? Is she a Christian or a Muslim? An American or a refugee?
Let’s deconstruct bitches… cause all I see in that message is hate, greed, and evil intentions trying to separate the masses with the us vs them mentality. First, let’s say this was written by a Bible thumping Karen/Queeren. Well bitch, you are giving and being charitable all WRONG! Read that damn book and then realize that when you act in hate, racism, or bigotry you are doing the exact opposite of what the Bible says to do. “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Try out some of that cheerful giving bitch instead of the suspicious giving this message propagates.
The Karen that wrote this doesn’t sound like a cheerful giver to me. They likely didn’t even give but want to tell you how to feel about your donation. It was likely written by a man with bad intentions for you and our country and he really doesn’t give a shit about the Angel Tree or giving to people less fortunate than you and me. And what happens if you take this message to heart and then you don’t actually buy for the kid that really has hopes for a doll or bike? Ewe.
This copy and paste message hurts people. It perverts the purest intention of what giving is supposed to be. A gift, “a thing given willingly to someone without payment; a present.” What that means hoe is that when you give to someone you don’t have the right to tell them what to do with that gift because it no longer belongs to you; that sounds like the devil to me.
And so what if Walmart gives gift cards to people without receipts? Do you expect people to be treated differently because they are poor? Just because they had no other options but to humble themselves for the sake of their children and ask strangers for help so their kids could have a Christmas? Do you expect this woman to be told she can’t return the item for store credit because, although you didn’t buy the items yourself, your superiority complex allows you to look down on this person so much that it causes you to cry? Seriously, wtf is wrong with you?
And so what if she can buy “ANYTHING Walmart sells” with a gift card? Maybe her kids need clothes for school so they don’t get teased or beat up by the kids your raising to judge and treat poor people differently. Maybe she needs to return the bike because diapers and formula are fucking expensive. Who the fuck do you think you are to be able to instill or sow hatred and distrust in other people with this type of post?
And to encourage people to make sure that those less fortunate know you don’t trust them to do the right thing for their children and guide them to not only take a black magic marker to deface the product but maybe even change their mind about giving in the first place. That is just gross.
And this “All Day the day after Christmas” part, well no shit Sherlock. That’s when a lot of people take back what doesn’t work for them- including poor people! Who cares if a doll was returned? Maybe their son or daughter didn’t like the doll you purchased, or the kid had a change of mind. Maybe you misunderstood their request, and YOU got the wrong gift. Maybe mom doesn’t have time to shop right now because the babies are hungry, and she needs that gift card to go.
And why is it a mom depicted in this fake af post? Is the message it is sending to the masses that we can’t trust women or mothers to make good decisions for themselves, their bodies, or their children. Boo that!
Why would you care if a kid changed their mind about a gift? If the doll costs $5.99 you are still out that $5.99, nothing more and nothing less. It has no effect on you at this point. What message are you trying to send poor kids? To take what you get and not dare to dream of something better? Nah bitch, nah.
What else does copy and pasting posts like this do? Well, it causes a divide. It makes people believe that you can turn around and treat people the way some of you do- out loud, unwelcome and in the most ignorant way. It’s just as gross when we do it as when they do it. Let’s be Frank or Lisa, it doesn’t matter how oppressed a group of people are or how poor they are, they seem to always want to in turn oppress another group or someone else. What is it about humans that makes us behave this way?
When we allow these divisions in the foundations of our charity work, our giving, and our love for other people it rots the foundation. It makes it easier to bring you down and a United country down too. A country divided is easier to overthrow. Separate and conquer is a war tactic so don’t be dumb and reshare cunty posts like that. You are doing the work them at that point. Don’t make it so easy for them or evil to win. And don’t let that darkness into your heart.
And before Lincoln used it in his famous speech, Jesus said it first bitch. Like I said in many a posts before, I totes dig Jesus because he was about love and treating people kindly, especially his neighbors. He hung out with hookers, hoes, partiers, drinkers, 12 men, thieves and tax collectors. Now that sounds like a Palm Springs kinda love- to me. Oh and Jesus even got mad and kicked around some shit in a church when he saw corruption. That’s kinda cool to me. I wish Republicans would be more like Jesus than the devil.
So, the take away, before you repost some shit that plants a seed of division in the hearts and minds of good people, stop. Take a minute and think about what the intention is behind the message someone else created and is sending out into the world. Why would they want you to “other” a poor woman and her children?
I hope this allows people to start thinking critically again. Don’t let hate into your heart and don’t copy and repost it either.
Merry Holidays and Christmas,
The Happy Homo
PS I don’t know if you watched sexy af Bradly Cooper’s new movie, Maestro” on Netflix yet. Yummmmy to my bummy. Two thumbs, a bottom and a boner way up. You should watch it. It looks like it’s also playing at Mary Pickford. It’s a great celebration of Leonard Bernstein, his family, and career. It was beautiful to watch.
PSS Best line in the movie is from Felicia Montealegre, well there were a few great lines but this one resonates, “All anyone needs is to be sensitive to others, kindness, kindness, kindness.” Where’s your kindness? You leave it at home?
PSSS What is Inside Edition trying to do? Yes, I watch Mrs. Deborah Norville and I’m a total fan. But why are they making her report on Jared and Ivanka? We don’t care about anything Jared or Ivanka. They are the children of an insurrectionist, a traitor to our country. It’s not news and we don’t care. Even them visiting Israel looked real…. Well real orchestrated. Real fake, really set up (probably their own photographers), and really not news at all. Am I going to have to stop watching that show too? Look fetch might happen, but America fawning over Jared and Ivanka is never going to happen. The only thing we want to know is why he was given 1 Billion dollars. That looks more like real life pay to play and access to a president than what they are accusing sexy Hunter Biden of. Hypocrites. Republican hypocrites. Yeah, wish they would act more like Jesus.
PSSSS I might be late to the Selena G. cooking party. It’s such a cute show that was birthed out of the pandemic and it’s still going strong. I binged the holiday special on HBO Max and I’m going to have to go back and watch all the seasons. LOOOOVE it.
PSX5 and WTF is up with the Metropolitan Museum of Art? Are they returning all the stolen items? Is there more than 16 in their possession? Come on now… you can only infer that they knew they were stolen artifacts. The statues are broken at their feet/base etc. How sad. I hope they continue to do right by Cambodia, Thailand and any other person or place things were stolen or pillaged from. “We are committed to doing the right thing as it is core to our mission to act responsibly and to seek greater understanding of our shared cultural heritage as well as the origins and evolution of institutions like The Met”
PSX6 I encourage you to go out and buy a doll or some other type of toy and donate it with no strings attached. With good intentions and love. The Popo are always collecting toys with that cruiser. I wonder where the next opportunity to drop stuff off to them will be?
PSX7 Don’t let them, you know who, cause division because we are stronger together than we are apart. We all have to vote together to prevent traitor trump from coming back and finishing the destruction and dismantling of America. We can’t let him finish what he started. Our freedoms are too important.
PSX8 It’s the same Karen’s that complain and scream, “They are taking the Christ out of Christmas” and “You can’t say Christmas anymore” that turn around and act like the devil himself.