I was watching the news last week, CNN because I like news based on actual facts.  There was a story of a female Ukrainian Soldier.  She was speaking at a news conference to different reporters about what she witnessed on the front lines. The evil she describes at the hands of Russia, and Putin against her people, take place in their own country, within their own borders. They are being invaded by Russia and America needs to do more before that evil spirit is strengthened here in our country.

The soldier stated with a visibly broken spirit, “I’ve seen high rises with graves of children in the court yards. Mother’s burying their babies, imagine.  I have children die in my hands, civilians, elderly, I don’t know how you can forgive that. Thousands of soldiers have gone through my hands, thousands of civilians, streams of blood, the rivers of suffering…” 

Members of Congress are bought and paid for by Russia. The Corrupt GOP is allowing an insurrectionist to call shots within the House of Representatives, which blocks progress and make our own country less safe. What in the actual fuck do we do next?  How do we stop them soulless traitorous bastards from within the House? 


“The call is coming from inside the House!”

It’s the same corrupt, deceitful evil that lives in traitor trump. Same evil spirit.  Should he ever make it back into office he is planning on never leaving that office again.  Which, to be honest, I don’t think he will be reelected because there are more of us than them. 

We have to vote and take a stand against that evil. Putin is running our House of Representatives through traitor trump and through Representatives like Speaker Mike Johnson, Jim (gym) Jordan and you know the rest of the corrupt GOP I’m talking about. You know the evil characters that have sold their souls to the devil(s).

Should that insurrectionist be reelected, that would be the death of America… We’d see high rises with graves of children in the court yards. Mother’s burying their babies, imagine.  Children dying in my and your hands, civilians, elderly, I don’t know how you can forgive that. Thousands of soldiers going through our hands, thousands of civilians, streams of blood, the rivers of suffering… we can’t let him win or lie his way out of what he did.   We need to vote.

The Ukrainian Soldier was asking for help for their people. I don’t understand the Corrupt GOP blocking aide to Ukraine. It’s plane jane evil.

Yours in Freedom,

The Happy Homo    

PS   VOTE VOTE VOTE   it’s not too late to register to vote. Filling out my ballot today.  I’ll be voting for Will Rollins for Congress.

PSS  Oooooo gurrrl, did you see that ad? Calling out Ken Calvert (and still running for reelection- no shame) got caught with a prostitute and tried to run from the police. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Wtf? I had a prostitute living here and he caused me to run towards the police. I always have though, I love the popo, menz in uniform are my favs. And by always run towards, I mean walk slowly with my empty hands visibly displayed so they don’t get scared, and I don’t get misread and shot. Maybe that’s just my Utah Latino essence showing but it’s fo’ sho there. I have love for da popo.  


Person 1- Knock Knock

Person 2 -Whose there?

Person 1- This is Ken Calvert here for my weekly “massage” with a Russian Hookah.

Person 2/Hookah- Duh, we knew it was you.

Person 1- Knock Knock

Person 2- Whose there?

Person 1- This is the PoPO raiding this whore house. Can we come in?

Person 3/Ken Calvert – La polica? (runs)

Person 1- Knock Knock

Person 2- Whose there?

Person 1- Corrupt Ken Calvert did it.

PSSSS  In other news… ew, I sure do not like that Plane Jane. If I were on Ruples and my “ssssister” from the same house had an opportunity to shine on national television – I would help my sisssster shine! I’d help her get the starring role in that production so she could have a great career for the rest of her life.  But that Plane Jane blocked that and continues to cock block Morphine any chance she gets.  It looks like more than just playing the game. It looks like that is who she is in real life. You can just tell.  It’s icky, feels dirty, dishonest, selfish, manipulative, and gross. No thanks, I’ll order from a different menu, anything less toxic.

They did say Down the Drain Jane (like a good douching) was “trade” and a “Russian Hoookah” over and over again. I have nothing against hookers… Hell I even told Rhonda Rae to spend his money and order us a couple “lap dances” or at least get himself one.  I could pick one and he could pick one. But that bitch said no. She can’t spend her own money on herself! She is the biggest penny-pinching bitch I know. I hope not all of you old bitches out here are like that. You deserve to live it up and treat yourselves kindly- no matter your age. It’s your money spend it on yourself! Get a damn massage (but if it’s from Plane or Down the Drain Jane, lock up your valuables and let someone know where you are and if they don’t hear from you in an hour to call da popo).   

Long story short Plane Jane you suck and not in a good way. You are gross mean.  That mental health commercial ya’ll in …. Are you in the opening/start of the scene because you are usually the start or cause of someone’s depression, anxiety, or trauma?  Throwing your Britnay Spear at anyone or everyone cause you are hurt yo’self?  Well knock it off bitch, it’s rude. Get some help and you need to talk to someone.   It’s clear you have a problem with gay people too.

And GOOD for Ms. Morphine last night served us fish tacos, fish patty, fish gumbo, baked fish, fried fish, and tuna fish all up on that stage. I’m so glad that you were in the bottom 2, only because your “ssssister” is a saboteur and blocks you from shining. You had your chance to shine and you did.  (Not so secretly hoping Jane leaves soon. Touché, Douché  down the drain with Jane.)

And another ew… Down the Drain even made Sapphira Cristal forget that she was a bad ass bitch. Sapphira, gurrrl why you believe that white woman? You should know betta.

PSx5  $1 million dollars a year was offered to Chief Justice Cheatin/Abusing/Morally Bankrupt (Allegedly) Clarence Thomas to retire/resign.  It would be funny if it wasn’t so real and gross. That unwanted BJ (Bought Justice) makes more than that from the people he serves, and that’s not you or me, and definitely not ALL Americans. He needs to resign. Maybe we offer more money to him than they do?  How much exactly are they paying you, Your Honor? How much is your dignity actually worth?

How do we put the option to vote him out of this office on the ballot for November?  Is that an option? Can Americans call for it? And can it be tabulated by the # of actual American votes and not by states? Just the actual number of cast ballots.  No gerrymandering allowed on that vote. Republicans play dirty.

PSX6  OMG  the Hunter Biden intel came from Russia. OMG! Duh, of course it did. (BTW Hunty is hot) All those GOP people who screamed slanderous slurs at him on tv should be ashamed of themselves. But they don’t have shame, cause they are possessed by that evil spirit. They sold their soul to the devil(s). Just how much was your individual dignity worth GOP members?  (Except for Romney and I don’t even like that guy. But I trust him waaaaaay more than any of those other yahoos. There is a secretary in our building that he and his family helped out very graciously.  So, there’s good in him but also oppressive for some groups- like ours.)

PSX7  How do we know the Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson wasn’t there in Miami plotting to overthrow our government from within? Like, umm he was with that traitor. Ew.  

PSX8 You are loved. I love you, well most of you 🙂 xoxo

PSX9 A poem by Ivan Malkovych about a candle shaped like the Ukrainian “Ї” speaks to the nation’s children and its future:

Let it be possible and not the most essential
but you are a child
called to protect with your tiny palms
a tiny candle of the letter “Ї”

Full poem:

Let it be possible and not the most important thing,
but you, a child,
are called to protect
the tiny candle of the letter “i” with your palms and also
stretching out on your fingers,
protect the crescent moon
of the letter “y”
that is cut from the sky
together with a string,

because they say, child,
that our language is a nightingale,
they say it well
but after
there may come a time when even the smallest nightingale will not remember
our language , so you can’t rely only on the nightingale’s child.