Gee I (heart) Joe, GI (heart) Joe, GI Joe we love you and thank you for your service. You are an American hero and did the right thing in order to save our country. You jumped on the grenade (figuratively) and forever won your place in American history and all because you were selfless. You did what was needed for us to win the battle and byway of that eased our fears while renewing our hope in America and in humanity. *Cue Bald Eagles*
President Joe Biden, what a standup fucking guy. He’s the real thing…a true American hero. Bear with me for a Christian moment (cause that’s how I was raised but I also acknowledge religion has hurt a lot of people in our community)…what if he (President GI Joe Biden) really was chosen by God or Goddess to beat evil traitor trump in the last election and the current one? Maybe President Biden’s character was all part of the master plan? And he almost failed to meet the moment but he did, and America will now survive and is more united than before.
All minorities, including our own community, are now able to sleep a little easier because of Patriot Joe’s actions. What a mass vibration change across America in that single moment; which is evident in all the donations and endorsements future President Harris has received.
Don’t you think the gods would have known what kind of person President Biden is on the inside? And knew about his capacity to put his own ego aside to do the right thing? Any lesser man wouldn’t have been able to walk away from power as easily as he did. Look at what the last guy did and what he is still doing. Felon 45’s social media posts sound like a bratty spoiled child bully. Ugh, and don’t we hate bullies? They totes try to fuck with our freedoms, sense of safety, and joy. Gaaaayross! President Biden is a true patriot and God bless him and America for his actions.
So, now that President Biden has passed the motha’ tuckin torch – how do we mobilize and do what we can to make sure that bully doesn’t get anywhere near that White House again? What a beautiful momentous moment it was too. And I’m as equally as excited to hear GI Joe feels there needs to be more justices on the Supreme Court; cause there is a need! How that treasonous bastard packed the courts with another sexual predator and right wing extremist judges is disgusting and as we see this had/has real world consequences on women, the poor, and minorities.
Back to the speech… during that amazing speech President Biden was so vulnerable and real and raw. It was brilliant, beautiful, and made my soul light up with hope. It’s one of the best speeches I’ve seen in a long time. He mentioned his stuttering and his upbringing in the speech, and then he actually stuttered. It was beautiful.
What a well captured do gooder moment. Sometimes as a part time do gooder myself, I often think in that do gooder moment, “Too bad no one is watching this cause I totes deserve a “good job”, pat on the back, or a “thank you.” Then I remember that’s not why you practice kindness, its cause it feels good on the inside for yourself. That’s the reward. It doesn’t matter if someone else sees it- I know that action happened in my soul and were done with the best of intentions. Fuck them peeps who think otherwise.
But what if people were actually watching and one would actually get rewarded for their do gooder behavior? Well tonight America watched as Do Gooder GI (heart) Joe did the right thing for our country and put aside his personal ambitions for the greater good. That’s patriotism.
I luv luv loooved it! It was so real, genuine, and future generations of American kids with stutters or other things that make them different, will look back on this speech to glean hope and inspiration so they too can chase their own American dreams. For them to see that someone like them was able to achieve the highest office in the land and be a good human being while doing it, will be just the wind of hope in their sails to propel them to greatness.
The same momentous hope will inspire so many young American girls from here until America breathes her last breath because of a first female Vice President of the United States dared to dream. And when we see future President Harris doing exactly what she needs to do to win, as she continues chasing her dreams gives puts the same wind in my sails to achieve my own dreams.
Good against evil. Prosecutor against felon. Queen against crook. Young vs demented. A patriot against a traitor to his country. Selflessness against a selfish greedy monster.
My Sails R Full of Hope,
The Happy Homo
PS A guy on tv said, “JD Vance has no conviction, but his running mate has 34.”
PSS The message republicans are sending out now is a racist dog whistle. It says white men are capable and smart enough to lead our country but any smart black person (man or woman) (and really biracial) needs to be looked at differently because they can’t possibly have earned the office. Well they have! Their dog whistle proposes the idea that if it’s a black president of any gender- that it’s not real or earned, or the best candidate possible. Which is a shitty message to send to kids, women and minorities. That’s just disgusting.
So, just confirming- IT IS a racist thing to say because its trying to reaffirm that black people don’t belong in the White House and are second to white men; even the criminal ones with 34 felonies. Like ewwwwe. Vice President Harris is the most experienced, knowledgeable, strong, capable, youthful candidate and has earned her way to the top and anyone who says differently has an agenda. Lesser men had the opportunity to run and hold this office. Gross sexual predatory ones with bankruptcies, felonies, and treasonous actions against our great county.
I can’t move
Freedom, cut me loose
Singin’, freedom
Where are you?
‘Cause I need freedom, too
I break chains all by myself
Won’t let my freedom rot in hell
Hey! I’ma keep running
‘Cause a winner don’t quit on themselves
PSSS God bless America. God bless PS and PS I love you (except for you Ian and Creepy Corey- f u bitches for trying to take away my opportunity to be here and help our people. You’re gaaayross!). I ain’t gotz to love everybody. I ain’t Jesus but I do at least try to do better than I have before. I think that’s the objective of life, isn’t it?
PSx4 So ya’ll know I love ancient alien stuff but what if they are already here and just don’t show themselves because humans still exhibit so much anger, hostility and evil? What if humans like traitor trump and putin ruin it for all of us? And what if our planet could get the help it needs to heal but no one wants to fuck with us cause we can’t control our human instinct? Yup, random stoner thought.
PSX5 Anxiety and Panic Attacks in women of a certain age. Women, if there are actually any reading this, or if there is anyone reading this…. did you know if women in your mid to late 40s could experience extreme anxiety and panic attacks like they’ve never experienced before?
Google says- Perimenopause is a natural process that occurs when the ovaries gradually stop working and produce less estrogen, leading to a transition into menopause. It usually begins a few years before menopause, often in women between the ages of 40 and 44, but can start as early as a woman’s 30s.
I’ve had a few women come through my office and sometimes doctors misdiagnose the cause of their anxiety and panic attacks. They they want to quickly prescribe them depression and/or anxiety medication to Band-Aid the problem and not get to the root of the problem. Doctors and providers are humans too- everyone needs some grace (except traitors). What is the quickest way to get you relief? A pill. Probably, and that’s what they prescribe. But without proper hormone level testing you get prescribed the wrong pill. Because the problem could actually be your hormone levels and not life events. (I’m not a doctor and not giving medical advice- just saying look at your age, cycles, and if you are experiencing hot flashes along with anxiety and panic attacks … it may just be a symptom of your hookermones; aka hormones.
PSX7 GI Joe Biden, you should use your Do Gooder Powers to get the man in Missouri that was wrongfully convicted out of jail. What they did to him is fuccccked up! Free that innocent man!
PSX8 Oooooor, Goenor Mike Parsons America is watching what your party does with innocent black men. I hope every last black American watches closely, then vote with your heart. Let it be me…. I’ll say it… this wouldn’t have happened if he was a white man in Missouri. Heeeelp that man!!! Free Christopher Dunn!
PSx9 OMG, JLo’s, “The Boy Next Door” is on Netflix. Lovesies it! Happy belated bday JLo xoxo