Hey bitches, how is your post-debate anxiety hanging?  Well, mine kept me up all night and I had a big day planned the next day. Instead, I tried to calm my anxiety with a big bag of candy and popcorn. No, I didn’t get it specifically for the debate- that’s just the kinda household I run. Sweet, sugar filled, and yummy. And no, it didn’t work- the anxiety was still there when I finally fell asleep- right next to the belly ache.

As for Friday (that was the day after the debate), it was C-A-N-C-E-L-L-L-L-E-D!  (and rescheduled). Better to do it with all of my wits about me, especially since it’s a passion project that has potential to send love out there to people who may need it.

Let’s put that anxiety aside and do a therapeutic exercise.   I want to do a collective hypothetical visualization and see just where you’d fit in.   So come/cum with me, close your beautiful, maybe lazy, various shaped eyes and close them. Close them so you are only using your mind’s eye to see and visualize this journey.   Again, cocked eyed hoes, close your eyes on your face. (All you bitches iz cocked eyed hoes…mmmmmhmmm. Eyes always going queerly to da package.)  I see you …and I appreciate that about you. I see your packages (being a cock-eyed hoe myself) and I appreciate that too.

Now in your mind’s eye, I want you to imagine that you are going back in time.  Visualize you are going back in time to around 1933 to 1945. Imagine that you are who you are today but you’re not in America, you are in Germany… in Nazi Germany.

Actually, let’s take it back a little bit further… just  before January 30, 1933 – before Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany and before the Dachau Concentration Camp opened, or before they started boycotting Jewish shops and businesses.

Now, imagine seeing all the people who lost their lives- gay, disabled, Jewish, women who had an abortion, POC, people who had progressive views or weren’t blond haired and blue eyed.  Imagine all of the innocent blood had not been spilled yet and their departed souls haven’t left their bodies. Imagine that all those synagogues had not been burned down and gay life still flourished. Take yourself to a moment before all of the 75 million lives were lost.  Look around left to right… what do you see? What do you feel? Is it peace? Is it love?

Now imagine you are standing on a street and there is a Jewish shop. Walk over to that Jewish shop window and look into it.  Peek in that window and look into that room. Then you notice…OMG it’s not a room, it’s a screen playing a moment of time. It’s the future… you lean in to see what possible outcomes could arise with Hitler as Chancellor as he carries all the evil he was and always will be. You begin to see what that future will entail. 

You see the loss of life on the screen. You see people you know dying, being murdered and burned. What would you do?  Would you still be willing to do what the nazi soldiers commanded of you when they came around? Or would you fight back immediately?  Would you protest more and make sure your neighbors are registered to vote?  Would you help them register to vote? Would you drive them to the polling stations?  Would you take them to drop off their ballot in the secure ballot box?

Now imagine you could prevent it from happing.  Imagine you had a gun and Hitler was in front of you.  If you had the opportunity to kill Hitler and save all those innocent Jews, queers, disabled and everyone else, would you?   Would you take the shot?   Or would you prevent it another way? Would there be another way to save the innocent?

I’d take the fuckin shot.  My community, our community, churches, freedoms, democracy and free and fair elections matter way too much to not take the shot.  What would you do?  What are you doing in your mind’s eye?  Are you holding a gun or extending a hand in the air giving the nazi salute?

Alright, now come back to today.  You are safe, you are loved, and you deserve all the promises of freedom that America has taught us in school.   You are strong, you are deserving, and you are more powerful than you know.  

This was just a simple exercise to hopefully inspire or pull out some level of resiliency, heroism, connection, and patriotism.  Since the debate I’ve had a few conversations with some friends. They said, “Well if Civil War happens then I’m just going to off myself.” 

And my response was, “HUUUH? Why?”  They want you to be scared and they want you to do their job. Don’t make it easy for them. They don’t deserve your roll over and take it position.  My response was, “If you are going to go out…  go out with a bang. Get those bitches if only to save the lives of your queer brothers and sisters ” and I left out countrymen and women. But we all matter. We all MATTER (not just them as they would have you believe). 

We also don’t want to be treaded on. In the words of some famous lady, “Well when you gettin’ “got” and somebody done “got” you and you go “get” them, when you get ’em everybody’s gon’ get got.”  Got it?

In the mean-times, we must stick together and remember there is so much love out there in the world- we just have to find it. Hate tends to be so much louder. So, in the words of Ms. Lopez, “Let’s Get Loud” with and for LOVE.  Gravitate towards it and show up for those who show up for you.   Like President Joe Biden- he’s shown up for queer people and for so many struggling with crippling student loan debt (like me). This land was stolen and then made for you and me. 

I’m not saying we are going to war. I’m not trying to make you worry, just think.  I’m not saying you better fight if we do.. just a question, would you?  Are you worth it? Are we worth it? I think we are.  Until that day comes (and God willing I hope it never does), are you putting out enough love into the universe?  Or more hate?   There are people out there who need your love. 

I Love You Palm Springs,

The Hypo Happy Homo

PS   https://www.holocaust.org.uk/news/homosexual-victims-of-nazi-persecution

“Around 90,000 men were arrested for homosexual activity between 1937 and 1939. Between 5,000 and 15,000 were imprisoned in concentration camps.

It is unknown how many perished, but one leading scholar, Ruediger Lautmann, believes the death rate may have been as high as 60 percent.”

PSS  https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/gay-men-under-the-nazi-regime

“Before the Nazis came to power in 1933, gay communities and networks flourished in Germany, especially in big cities. This was true despite the fact that sexual relations between men were criminalized in Germany.”

“Beginning in 1933, the Nazi regime harassed and dismantled Germany’s gay communities. They arrested large numbers of gay men under Paragraph 175, the statute of the German criminal code that banned sexual relations between men.”

“During the Nazi era, between 5,000 and 15,000 men were imprisoned in concentration camps as “homosexual” (“homosexuell”) offenders. This group of prisoners was typically required to wear a pink triangle on their camp uniforms as part of the prisoner classification system.”

PSSS  You should watch Outstanding on Netflix. LOOOOVE it… go towards the love. Put the love on your screen.

PSSSS You should also watch, “Eldorado: Everything the Nazis Hate.”  It was very eye opening and there was love and resiliency in there too. 

PSX5   You should also watch Inside Out 2 just for Anxiety’s sake.  Disney could not have gotten the timing for it’s release more correct! 

PSX6  I will always vote to save America by voting for a good hearted, loving, honest elderly man over a lying, cheating, stealing, corrupt, evil Hitler wannabe. 

PSX7  I love you Palm Springs, except for you Ian. He’s a gross bitch. Fuck you Ian.