White Karens this post is all about you. Oh, and you too White Gay Karens- I see you bitches. I think you are being genuine and that’s just who you are. Yesterday, I was all excited to go out and have a drink, maybe a green beer or something to celebrate my first St. Patty’s Day in Palm Springs. Shoot, maybe even get fucked by an Irishman. I do love a white red headed leprechaun looking motha’ fucka. Like- YUM. You don’t even have to have gold, I’ll still eat your Lucky Charms. But alas, my excitement turned into a weird disappointment in the pit of my stomach and an overall misplaced gross guilt feeling. It ruined it for me!
I found out something bad happened to someone who I really don’t like cause they were so mean to me when I got here. And I know by their actions they really don’t like me either. I really don’t care- just let me be. Their actions spoke loud AF! Finding out they are in it deep, and hearing about their struggling didn’t make me happy at all. I got no pleasure out of hearing bad news about them. It only made me feel really bad for them and guilty. When all I did was point out a problem, the problem wasn’t mine, but they tried to make it mine. I think I have these weird feelings because I was there once, where they are now, and it was so hard. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Not even them. It hurts, it’s lonely and it’s hard to get out of it. Nearly impossible. That gross feeling made me find comfort at home. I changed into my booty short pajamas that I cut myself and I settled down for the evening with the puppies to watch the Ruples.
This experience, past experiences, and watching Lucy made me realize how over- entitled white bitches, I really am. Over how mean they are and how they do and say anything to dominate space and suffocate your happiness away. It’s just so boring and predictable. Most entitled white bitches are generic… they are Karens. (Would a gay Karen be called a Qaren?)
Now don’t get me wrong, Lucy would make a great employee. If I had a business that needed dependable employees, I’d hire her. She’d be everything you’d want out of an employee. She’s the annoying white girl that you want to hire for a job, but you gotta lie to her a Iittle. You have to tell her that she’s the lead role in whatever production and she’ll give you her all. She’ll show up every day 24-7 at the drop of a hat and be on time too. Like the 20-year-old me could leave a bag of coke and $20 bill in a stall she was going into, and I’d walk back into the bathroom when I realized I forgot it, and there she’d be trying to return it to me- untouched. “Hey you left this.”
Like she’s the kind of annoying gal that if I handed her a key to a locked room and said don’t look in that room because it’s against the rules, but Rumored Evie Oddly’s big scary dick is back there. You can’t see it so don’t peek, and you wouldn’t look back there. Like you’re a predictable gal who would want to get cast in a role even if it was designed for a Latina or Black actress, and you’d take it anyway. Like you’re the type of gal that gets annoyed that Halle Bailey got cast as the Little Mermaid because its one less starring role for you. Predicktable, like if the whole World changed to solar cars and you were offered a gas car that would kill the earth just a little but it’d but you ahead in life, you’d say yes give me them keys. Like if you were a parent traveling on a plane with your kid and then the plane started going down you’d really put your mask on first. I can almost hear you, “Me first!” You may think I’m being harsh and even think you’re the one being picked on but sometimes you bitches don’t let us breathe.
Like your adversity is harder than ours in some “Me, Me, Mee” kind of way. That’s the kind of message you send and gurrrl, “You need to be a betta friend!” Getting made fun of as a kid because of your voice or for being gay is not something specific to you my white gay sister. Many of us got made fun of as kids, some of us like me, it was more as an adult. This little bit of adversity doesn’t entitle you to be a beeoch. Guess what babe, we all were or are that boy or man too. You don’t get to behave that way but I don’t think anyone has told you yet. You need to get a Mexican or a Black Gay friend and go on a trip with them somewhere for a week. I think you’ll come back a better person, a better less Karen like white woman.
I write this letter from the inner hurt place within me and there’s anger there too. I write it as the Mexican brown short guy from repressed Utah, who happens to have a bit of of gay voice himself. And yes, that gay voice of mine seems to irritate white bullies wherever I go. Just ew already.
I can still feel the love here and the freedom here, every day. That is mostly how I feel about Palm Springs- love and freedom. I think I’m reading this white gay Karen because I’m annoyed with myself for feeling guilty over a crazy rude bully girl like her, just as entitlement and rude only x100 more.
I agree with Shasha Fierce. That dance was white AF, Ms Colby (if you nasty). But it’s not just white – it’s annoying white. The kind that thinks its better than you in everything. Yet, she can’t even do no flips or splits or anything, but she’ll tell you she betta than you. Am I jealous? Do I wish I could be so entitled? I honestly don’t think so. Its rather gross. I think the world has kicked that out of so many of us in our lives, it’s nice to see she still has that intact. She still has her hymen, which makes me think… like good for you… you’re not as damaged as you think you are or as the rest of us. That’s good. I don’t want to be the one to kick out that hymen, I hope this show opens your eyes tho. You gotta slow it down white sister and let others have space to exist.
If you don’t see the problem, then likely you are part of that problem. I’ll say it in a way that white Karen’s can understand, “Them colored girls don’t like her and guess what, I trust them colored girls.” They get it. I’m sure they’ve lived it before the show too. I’m not gonna lie, I’m was glad them girls got that bitch and they each took a bite together. There’s power in numbers and it’s been a long time since I caught one of my bully bithces with other homos like me, that had my back like that. Roast those bitches until they scoot over. Speaking of over, I’m so over them making it hard for us to exist too. We even get it from gay people too- that sucks for us.
Ugh, yes Lucy, yes, yes, yes, you’re talented but so are all of them. So boringly entitled and I have to agree generic. I thought I was an uptight bitch that needed a good fuck. She takes the cake, she probably baked it too and it’s the best cake there will ever be if you ask her. I am slightly uptight but I do need to honor my inner whore a little more than I have been. But that girl so white she probably had a tree house as a kid. She’s so white she likely won’t find happiness unless she has a white picket fence and a tree house in the back yard. I hope I don’t sound like I don’t like white people; I do. I love them. I just am over some of them taking over every space were at. Like share bitch. Move bitch, get out the way…get out the way. (I think that’s from a rap song- see I’m pretty white too. I don’t even know for certain. But that bitch is whiter than me.)
There are all kinds of white people, some are just predictable like Ms. Laducka (if you… wait I’m pretty sure she aint Nasty like Janet and only wants to bone missionary style). Just so you know, I love white people. I really do. I adopted a white kid and foster two other crackas (I think I can say that because they were in my house).
I’ll use my foster kiddo as an example, he’s fun white. I love him. He’s straight, cute, and was given his drag name when he moved into my home. He’s Koby Anne Margulies and he’s terrible. He’s so terrible he’s fun. Like a really bad and misbehaving little shit, but he’s a fun little shit. He and his girlfriend just got their first car. It took him long enough to get his driver’s license because he’s been too busy being fun and hardheaded. And I told him just to do it over 4 years ago when he was supposed to, “Like I tow you so!” I worry about him driving a car because he’s so white fun that I can foresee a future car accident. It’ll be his fault. He’s so naughty he was probably driving and texting, video chatting or changing music while he’s driving. Or changing his shirt, while driving. Something dumb like that. He’s fun naughty white peoples, like if I gave him a key and said, there’s boobs behind that door don’t look cause its against the rules. That bitch is gonna look at the titties as soon as I leave the room. In fact, I wouldn’t give him the key cause he’s too fun and will be playing with them titties in no time, if he hadn’t already snuck into that room to do so. He probably could smell the titty from outside the closed, locked door when he entered the room. Shit, he’s so fun he probably could smell the titty from the down the street. He’s fun white.
I’m saying, you don’t have to be a, “I’m opulent, I own er’ thing- so there’s none for you” kind of white person. It makes our lives harder. Remember us? The little people that you stepped on just to get comfortable. She probably won’t but Koby Anne Margulies would remember you.
Like if my 20-year-old self met Koby Anne Margulies and he was a 20 year old, I’d probably be doing coke with him in the bathroom and he’d pocket my coke and my $20. Then he’d say, “Thanks for the coke and I need a drink with this $20.” And I’d roll my eyes and be like okay bitch cause I love you. Like if I were to get into a fight, and Kobe Anne Margulies was there, he’d be the first one to jump that bitch with me. He’s that kind of fun white. And that’s just who he is and always has been since I met his crazy fun little self at 11 or 12 years old.
Writing this just reaffirms that I’m glad to live here. I feel like I can write actually write about it here and people will understand. It seems like they put a stop to mean entitled bullies here. And they actually listen and believe you when you say, “Hey look that bitch is rude”. I hope it is as it appears and they always do something about it here. That’s my experience so far.
I feel like here I can let out my own inner Luxx a little bit here. Because that bitch, she’s been sleeping for so long. I had to put her sleep because the world makes it so hard to be your authentic self. I feel like I’ve buried her a little bit. She’s breathing, I can see her chest rise and fall but she sleeps. I also came out the womb gay. I’ve known since I was a little boy.
Speaking of Luxxes of the world, anyone else feel like maybe that cute little skinny fashionable black girl planted that security tag on that jacket just to start a conversation? Or is she that cool black bitch that had little opportunities and just needed that cool ass jacket so she took it? Either way, well played Luxx. I see you girl.
I feel like I could possibly be at a crossroads, after all I still haven’t been here a full year. Seems like there’s so many paths one could take here, more so than I’ve ever felt. What path do I take? Do I go the Sling route or get a boyfriend? Honor my inner slut like everyone else does (which is fn great) or do I want to just look for love? Both? What route am I gonna go? And just how soon am I going to have to pick? Are they really different paths? Do they lead to the same place?
I don’t think I’m just at a crossroads, I think our country is too. As we enter into a new presidential election cycle you betta be ready and stay ready bitches. Believe them when they show you they hate you and when they say you are less of a human than them and try to take away your rights. I don’t think they are done trying to hurt us and we need to be prepared and vigilant. They hung that white boy from a fence, and the boy Stephen Smith just left in middle of the road dead- murder unsolved. They blew up a gay bar and now they want to come after drag queens. They try to dehumanize you so that it’s easier for people to hurt you. Don’t let them, keep loving and living!
I may be tired of white entitlement, but Lucy and the gay Qaren’s of the world also deserve to exist. We should make space for them, while making sure they allow us to have some of that space too. We forgive you your trespasses white gurl and if you brought it a little harder, did some splits, something more, did better and wasn’t so predicktable- we’d forgive you sooner. Be a better friend gurl cause it looks like you suck at it. Practice!
I’m against white assumptions that their best about everything in life. Why do we allow that voice to drown out everything else? Cause it’s scarier than us? Because it’s louder? I feel like I’ve had a lifetime of it and why? Cause they are meaner? Are we sure? I know some loud ass mean scary queens, and yes drag queens are the Marines throughout our queer herstory. I don’t know if you feel it but it feels like they’ve declared war on us and we just don’t know. I hope as you navigate the world, the country, and the gay clubs that you act accordingly. If you feel like people are out of place and are there with the intention to hurt you or our people, and you know what I’m talking about (Pulse), act accordingly. Don’t hesitate. People get hurt in the hesitation. High heels, stools, chairs, beer bottles, wine glasses, Twisted Tea the shit out of them until they can’t hurt anyone.
I think this cast is living gay herstory. Not just because of the 200th episode but because what’s happening in the country and the blatant attack us as whole. Yea, the “Look over there” thing that Ruples talked about- she right! You and I are all an active part of herstory, you are all entering your political era!!!! Because what you do and don’t do affects us all as a whole, even Lucy. That’s why even if we don’t like each other, we got to stick together and act and vote in unison.
They are going to take a swipe at us, blacks, Mexicans, Asians, Jews, all of us that are different and they are going to hope something sticks. We can’t let it, not for any of the groups.
Yes, ladies we can be fucked with just like you think we can, but we can fight back because we are resilient! Just look at all the adversity we’ve already overcome, even Lucy. They are trying to come back in anger and in hate. You gotta fight for your freedoms, don’t get it twisted, get them Twisted Tea’d if they attack. They are here to win. They plan on fighting to win. Act accordingly because we need to win, we need to vote blue. Ew, which makes me think of Log Cabin Republicans, likely literally what the fuck? They don’t like you either, when will you get that? You’re likely the loudest white Qarens of them all. Vote blue homos.
May we all come to each other’s offense like a Koby Anne Margulies. No matter wherever we are across the country we are one community. We fight for even the whitest Log Cabin Rublician Qaren’s rights there is. That reminds me one more white joke about Lucy. Lucy, you are so white you probably are a Log Cabin Republican, aren’t you girl? You probably are. Just a hunch.
I want to say I love you. Especially when many do not love us in this country. That’s the message they send. I do, love you. You are loved. We don’t need them all to love us, but we do need them to allow us to exist. I hope nobody tries to hurt any of you ever, or any of our people just because of who you are, who we are. And stop bullying each other too, catty cunty is fine but mean evil I want to watch you hurt and bleed kind of bullying has to stop. We have to have a safe place somewhere in this world, why not Palm Springs? If they actually do something, may all of us respond in your defense, and your defense, and your defense immediately!!!!! ImmmmediatALee! And treat them like they’re there to hurt you- no less.
Luxx said, “If you stay in an era you ain’t got to get in an era”, yes bitch that’s right! They trying to take us back to an era where we didn’t have a voice. Ummm No, my heart is too happy to exist out in plain sight now, we in a new era. I am not going back to that era. I need you to pay attention to what’s happening and your surroundings and have fun. Live your life to the fullest. Love, fuck and then love some more. And fuck some more if you want to! Don’t dim your lights, let ‘em shine bitches. Burn bright bitch.
Be careful out there and I love you. You are enough! Even you Lucy and that other Qaren, you know if you know- you are enough. You deserve to exist even if you are an annoying ass bitch that needs some guidance. Oh, and as always, parents tell your gay kids you love them.
See something, say something, and if needed do something.
In Happy Love and Freedom,
The Happy Homo
PS Titties said Caa-caa-da-ca 😂😂😂
PSS They said, she aint gonna break her ankle in that Hillary Clinton – I died.
PSSS Sasha Colby Dat ass doh!
PSSSS She said glovely (hehe)
PSSSSS I believe you Luxx when you say not to cross you cause it won’t ever end well. LOL, I fold. You already win bitch and we aint even fighting yet. I’m too old to be in that kind of a long ass fight. I’m tired and aint got no time for that fighting shit amongst ourselves! I’m trying to love. Let me love bitches!
PSSSSSS Mistress said she was terrible with choreography. Either she was acting and lied or she’s a hard-working bitch who turned it out! Both scenarios are respectable 🤷🏽♂️
Px7s Every time Luxx was on screen I felt my inner homo scream “YAAAAS youngin get it!” She sure called it in that comedy episode. She is that white Karen bitch. (But she does deserve to exist too)
Px8s Do we all watch the same commercials? If so who’s that hot daddy in the sweater in that Prep commercial? Yes, Sexy Nerd Daddy YAASS! 👏🏽
Px9s Mrs. Titties I think you won the lip sync and you funny AF. I think you lost because of your style needs help honey, I’m broke and I see that too honey. Do better girl. Now that you’ll have some coin, you can do better! And If I ever hit the lotto I’m taking you shopping and going to invite Luxx to show us how to dress cause I’m not a fancy homo either. I wish I was though.
Px10s Sahsa Colby is a beautiful human- period. She’s beautiful as a girl or boy. Almost makes me mad at you. Yaaas you sexy bitch.
Px11s Anetra just YAAAASS bitch. Living for it! Watched last week’s episode, specifically you killin Marcia x3 with that leap, more times than I ever have watched one before. Lovin you. I will not Duck that question, I am a fan of Anetra.
Px12 I think Lucy may remind me of my old best friend who wasn’t “Purse first…” (s)He was always, “Me, me, MEEEEE first.” That’s probably why I don’t care for her much.