I just finished my Christmas Eve morning coffee watching the birds, bees, and cuddling the dogs in the blankies while blasting Christmas music. It was a great start to hopefully a wonderful rest of the year. There are some fun clouds out there today and I hope that you get out there and have some Christmas fun too.
As we can almost reach out and touch Christmas day (tomorrow), I wanted to recommend a couple of Netflix movies. Being the super gay Christian homosexual that I tis, I watched “Mary.” I think they did an awesome job with the story and anything with Anthony Hopkins is a “Sure, I’ll do that” kinda movie for me. He plays such a good evil sob.
Well, if you didn’t know… Mary gets pregnant out of wedlock and the people in her hometown, especially the men, get all mad and shit and want to kill her by stoning her. And nope I don’t mean a death by smoking too much bomb ass weed kinda stoning.
So, this pregnant little girl has to run for her life and the life of her unborn child. She walked preggers af… she migrated for 4 fn days! Can you imagine even walking 90 miles?
Bitches, I don’t want to walk that far. Lord knows I could use the exercise, but nah not 90 miles. I get it though, if it doesn’t feel safe don’t stay. I migrated from Utah to Palm Springs for that very reason, it began to feel unsafe there. I took my preggers looking belly that was filled with hope and I took a leap of faith that things would be better here, kinder.
After a rough start and dealing with some evil bitches of my own, I realize I made the right decision. Thank God that it feels right for me here. I even made a comment to someone the other day over coffee at Koffee, “I realized at the Gay Men’s Choirs performance, while I was walking around during the intermission that I recognized a lot of people. And I said hi cause I knew a bunch of them too. It feels like my roots are deepening.”
I digress, so Mary gives birth to baby Jesus (son of God) and that mean ol’ Anthony Hopkins orders his troops to kill all the newborn babies. Okay, Anthony didn’t but the character he played sure killed dem babies. Now that’s fuckin cray -cray! It’s almost as crazy as threatening to round up the Dreamers in our country to deport them to a country they know nothing about. Fuckin cray-cray, mean, and evil.
I also watched “The Star” an animated story about Mary having to flea for her life (also on Netflix). Why? Because I love me some cartoons and I’m a good Christian (most of the time). In fact, since the election I’ve been submerged in cartoons, prayer for divine intervention to save our country, and some bomb ass weed. Tits to Jesus, I’ve been praying a lot!
I think the whole premise of the Bible is don’t be a dick, treat people like you’d like to be treated (especially if you are verse), and love thy fucking neighbor. I think Jesus would be pissed at the churches of today that have millions or even billions of dollars while people starve, and our planet dies. Greed is a gross human trait and I don’t think Baby Jesus or adult Jesus would approve (remember he kicked over those tables when they was selling shit in His Father’s house.”
I am so glad to be here in PS, not just because I don’t ever have to shovel snow (although I did bring my snow shovel and I’m still uncertain why). But because I feel like its way easier to love more of my neighbors here than it was in the past (and I’m not even being naughty). (Although my last Utah neighbors were a young cute Mormon couple that were kind and loving af and acted like Christians. Too bad there aren’t more of those kinds of Christian peeps.)
So moral of the story is don’t be a Dick- suck one (or more).
Happy Holigays and Merry Christmas,
The Happy Homo
PS If you haven’t yet…you should also watch Tyler Perry’s new movie on Netflix, “The Six Tripple Eight.” I think it’s the best TP movie to date. Yet another story about American history that all Americans should be taught.
PSS Oh Mary, I’m so sorry you were treated that way. I’m sorry that some men are so evil and filled with hate, rage, greed, bloodlust and the need to control, consume, and oppress other people. I’d hoped things would have changed since your day, but it hasn’t. There are still angry white men who don’t give a shit about poor people, people of color, or migrants. Oh, Mother Mary full of grace, can you ask God to intervene today, just like He did back then? In fact, I’m waiting for your Son’s return so that He can open a can of whoop ass on these greedy oppressors. I keep looking to the clouds hoping for His arrival before its too late for America, democracy, brown people, queer people, and our planet.
PSSS I hope you have a Merry Christmas as opposed to a Mary Kinda Christmas where you have to run and flea for your life.
PSSSS Thank you Mary and all the other women in the world who do what’s right for their babies and give them the best chance at surviving and thriving.
PSX5 God bless America.
PSX6 So I’ve been kinda missing my old pal Rhonda Rae. He’s gone to a “better place”… no.. she didn’t die (yet), she’s in an assisted living facility in Utah. Yup, I came from Utah and he went to Utah. I miss my dinner buddy and last night I went out to one of the places we frequented. We made plans for me to call him when I get my food so it was like he was eating dinner with me. So I did just that, propped up my phone so it was standing straight up, and we video chatted while I ate my food. I showed him where he would have been sitting and how much cheaper the bill is when I don’t have to pay for his food too. I was having a touching dinner/moment when someone that worked at the restaurant asked if I could turn down the volume on my phone. I was shocked cause I didn’t think it was loud at all and if he (Rhonda Rae) was actually there with me we’d been much louder. I hung up the phone because I was embarrassed and it ruined the sweet friendship moment we were having. 🙁 I asked my waitress if it was loud and if any of the patrons complained so I could apologize to them. She said no one had and that it was probably just him (one of the grumpy cooks) and he should have minded his own business. My thoughts exactly. We should let people have a moment and not ruin it just cause were grumpy … geesh he’s not going to be around forever.
PSX7 My poor neighbors don’t realize that I can listen to Christmas music all year long. 🙂 Hope they still love me in Feb.