So, it’s happening… it’s starting to bleed into my office. It’s happening in almost every session now. I was just waiting for it too, because I knew it was coming. To be honest, I’m surprised it took this long with the primary election happening on the other side of the country and the republicans struggling to find a backbone and worthy presidential candidate to represent them. They have few choices that would represent ALL OF AMERICA, and not just the few. They put forth racist bigots on the ballot.
The worry of reelecting traitor donald j trump is real. The nightmare, fear, terror, and violence that would result should he again be allowed to become President of the United States is palpable.
He would destroy America as we know it and we shouldn’t be afraid to call a spaded devil a spaded devil. He surrounds himself with racists and we shouldn’t be afraid to talk about racism in America. It’s a white scar across America- racism, slavery, rape, lynching, redlining, job discrimination, and profiling is part of America and how they keep people like you and me down. If we don’t say it out loud and talk about it in the open it grows in the white darkness.
I’m imagining that more and more of my clients are going to begin to come in with anxiety, fear, depression, and some paranoia just because he is the republican front runner. I know that it is nothing compared to the anxiety, fear, depression, and paranoia that will fill us all if he is elected. I hope we always remember the republicans who could have taken care of this during his impeachment. Republican congressmen, minus a few did this to America. They hold fault for hiding and protecting him, proving that justice is not blind and the law is not applied to all Americans equally. (That is proving to be a lie and we are seeing it Ru’vealed in real time.)
Justice is not only served in the court room it is also carried on the shoulders of our congressmen and congresswomen too. They carry that burden for all of us. That’s why I find it so disgusting that Colorado, Georgia and Utah’s representation is made up of evil people who have no conscious and no real respect for the Constitution of the United States. Let’s face it, and no real allegiance to the flag we all pledged to in school as children.
Mike Lee is a disgusting traitorous joke, as are Green and that movie theater smoker and fornicator. (I have no qualms with fornicators, for I am one of thee. I have a problem with people pushing their moral standards and ideals on others when they don’t even have the scruples to hold themselves to the same standards). I wish these states would do better. Barf. If our representatives are unethical, untrustworthy to do the right thing- they should be removed. They had the power to stop this traitor back then and they refused. We saw what he did with our own eyes and heard him with our own ears.
So bitches, I’m left asking, how do you comfort clients struggling with mental health issues like anxiety and depression because of what is happening in America? Let’s face it, and call it for what it is, we are at war with this liar, his people, and the evil that is racism and corruption. Those are good things to be at war with. Let us never forget we are the good side- they are not. They will do, say, and hurt whoever they need to in order to obtain power. So bitches, again how does one comfort when you are just as terrified as everyone else?
I hope that fear doesn’t paralyze us. We shouldn’t be so scared as a people that we don’t talk about what we need to do should he be reelected. We all know what he will do because he said it. He continues to say it. He will go after his political adversaries and be a dictator on day 1. If you think about it, don’t his adversaries include you and me too? What’s to stop him from coming after you just because you spoke out against his corruption? Or because you voted against him?
Isn’t that what the court hearing was about yesterday? The blanket immunity bull shit he is claiming is dangerous and evil. That’s not the America that I grew up believing in. I was surprised it wasn’t immediately thrown out on the basis of being Anti American, Anti Constitution, and Anti law. And it’s definitely – anti democracy. We are a country of laws but when not everyone has to answer to those laws, it doesn’t work.
Why do the courts even need to hear it any further? It’s like he’s laying down the groundwork for the future. And saying that a president could assassinate any political rivals in the future and that it wouldn’t be against the law- is wrong. It’s also dangerous when America would prefer racism over equality for all. Well, isn’t a big chunk of California traitor trump’s rivals? Don’t we hate the corruption that he stands for? Does that put a big target on all of our backs?
Knowing that he plans on future violence, makes me sick. It also makes me wish California or California gays were not so opposed to arming themselves. I know it’s a sensitive subject and I’m the odd man out, especially with the new gun laws here.
I know we need sensible gun laws because these white kids keep arming themselves and shooting up kids at schools across America. But isn’t it ridiculous to make it harder for you and me, law abiding citizens to get a gun? You may need one should he be reelected- that’s the sad truth. He will come for us if we don’t stop him now.
YOU and I need to VOTE BLUE.
We should have a waiting period for gun purchases. I’m afraid the time has come that we need to arm ourselves. How sad to feel that way here in America, THE LAND of the free and home of the brave. It’s even more disgusting and disgraceful that the threat to our democracy is from our own people.
So what do we do? This evil corrupt man is a danger to us all. Do we encourage our people to get a gun? and learn how to use it safely? Do we hold a gun training class if it gets really scary? Would we feel more comfortable with that idea if we can turn the guns back in to the police after the threat (traitors against America) of violence are gone? How do we deal with this real threat to our democracy in the land of milk and hunnies? How do we comfort our people?
YO BITCHES, the call is coming from inside our own houses! Inside our own country. What do we do with that? Jan 6 showed us what the white militia looks like, and those people would have killed AOC and Nancy Pelosi if they would have found them. You saw what they did to Pelosi’s husband. These people are brainwashed, murderers, terrorists and they mean harm. There is no more sugar coating it and bitch I love some suga. But we can’t sugar coat this if we are going to make sure we have an effective plan should we need one.
Where are all the emergency exits? Bitch, I don’t know either, but we should start planning and talking about it just in case. We can’t ignore it anymore; the battle is here. That one day we all talked about is close.
When exactly is that one day? Well bitch, I’m glad you asked cause I was just about to tell you. Any homo with an ear, let him hear. The day for American justice is upon us and he needs to pay for the crimes he committed against our country. There needs to be an answer to the crimes committed by the insurrectionist traitor trump and justice needs to be served swiftly and equally under the law. He and his cronies are not above the law. Don’t let them be and don’t be quiet about it. Write your legislators and we need to elect Will Rollins so we continue to have a voice.
I wonder if there is there a group of therapists out here that talk about how they plan on treating and addressing these issues with their clients? I know we respond with LOVE, COMPASSION, UNDERSTANDING and UNITY. But what happens, when the threat is no longer just perceived but real? And then it’s not just anxiety but OUR people’s lives on the line. Are we ready to respond to that?
We need to also talk to our independent friends/family to make sure they know democracy is at stake. We are the other half of the country that believes in equality, and we outnumber them when we stick together. We need to stick together. We need to check in with each other a little more too. We need to make sure our community members feel safe, loved, and cared for.
I’ll be interested to see what America’s judges do. Do they open the pandora’s racist box with immunity for a guilty and criminal president? We went to civil war about this already, and now it’s back in a different form. We need to treat it just the same and defeat it for good or send it the message that America has already made a final decision about racism and slavery. It’s wrong. We need to cut off the head of the snake and vote blue.
He can’t be allowed to destroy America. Sometimes we have to fight to love. Sometimes we have to fight to exist and sometimes we have to fight for freedom from dictators.
I don’t mean to be an alarmist but the day is upon us and we need to start having these conversations. We need to make sure that Justice Clarence Thomas recuses himself as he has proven to be an untrustworthy American. He should resign.
We all need each other more than ever. I’m glad that I found my way here. I’m glad you did too.
God Bless America,
The Happy Homo
PS I don’t know if ya’ll watch CNN but me thinks Ms Laura Coats got a new makeup artist and hair stylist. She was beautiful before and she’s beautiful now.
PSS I can’t believe that some family members would chose to follow this traitor over the lives and freedoms of their own children or relatives. He’s the devil and you can find the mark of the beast across their foreheads on their red hats.
PSSS Republicans are proving to be a disgusting part of America. They’d rather destroy America than allow equality to truly rein. They refuse to apply the law equally to everyone. What kind of a bull shit message does that send to white America? That you can do anything you want and we won’t hold you accountable. Nah…that’s disgusting.
PSSS and remember the new Covid-19 variant needs a new Covid-10 variat tests. The old tests you have do not work for the new variant. So, if you feel like shit and are testing with old tests, stop and get treatment.
PSX5 In better news, the new JLO song is out. Yay! I love it and it “feels right” and “I can’t get enough.” Her album will be released Feb 16…eeeee! (Gay man happy squeal)
PSX6 I don’t think writing about this is scaring anyone more than they already are. We just have to be prepared for the worst and hope that the checks and balances work. They just haven’t with the cowardly republican traitors refusing to do the right thing.
PSX7 Can’t wait for Friday… what happens Friday? Duh, Ruples! More stripper shoe clackin please?