The Rewind- First They Came
Last night I fell into a CNN new’s hole, a little different than a Sasha Colby Youtube hole. The Sasha hole is way more fun and allows us an escape, a distraction from what is happening in our country, depicted on CNN. I was/am sickened, each time I watch, “The US and the Holocaust”. I’m revolted by what I saw on the TV. Jews and gays starved, herding them like animals, and murdering them. The images, look at them, those are real people, like you and me.
Bitch, this ain’t 1933, no we won’t, no you won’t. We speak out and we unite. 6 million Jews were murdered, and 5 million prisoners of war also murdered. This included, homosexuals, Romany, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and other victims. The evil spirt of white power and supremacy that possessed Hitler, is back. Well, I think it never really died. Not fully, it was more hidden though. Now it’s just out in the open.
In recent times, it was allowed to fully resurface. It was given new breath, and new life under the traitor trump administration. That along with the Mitch McConnell judge appointments are major equal rights issues, women’s rights issues, and environmental health issues. All are on the line. It’s a rewind to more oppressive times. Ask ourselves, “Are WE okay with that?” I’m not.
First They Came Pastor Martin Niemoller
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left To speak out for me
Rewind, Again They Come or Bitch They’re Back
First, they came for the Jews and gays and we did nothing.
We won a war, we finally did something.
Then they came for blacks.
We spoke out, then we did something. Civil Rights.
Then they came for women.
We spoke out, then we did something. Birth control. Sexual revolution.
We did something.
Then they came for blacks. They always do.
I speak out because I am not black.
Then they came for Jews
And I speak out because I am not a Jew.
Then they came for Muslims
And I speak out because I am not Muslim.
Then they came for Mexicans.
And I speak out because I am Mexican.
Then they came for women, again.
And I speak out because in a land of freedom, you get to choose. Birth control.
Then they came for gays.
And I speak out, because I’m gay.
Then they came for Trans.
And I speak out, because I’m not trans and they are my family.
Then they came for your children in school.
They came for their education.
I speak out because when you are ignorant you are easier to control or gas light.
Then they came for me.
And I speak out, for Freedom.
Then they come for you.
I speak out, because I love you.
I speak out, because it can’t happen again.
It can’t happen again to any of us.
I speak out.
Speak out!
Let’s rewind a little, a few years ago, but not all the way back to the 1930s, during the traitor trump era, which has passed and can’t be allowed to come back, a lot of bad shit happened. Those right/white wing representatives were able to bully their way to appoint extreme right-wing judges to positions they were not qualified for. That’s crazy!
The packing of the court system with judges who are not qualified is not just a problem, it will be oppression. It’s going to be a spreading plague for a really long time. They are the extreme edge of the right, the white wing.
Often in therapy I try to work with people to boil thoughts and feelings down to one word. Then we can anal-yze that word and gather the fruits of its intentions and figure out one’s perspective on really, most things. Because how you perceive things, how we see things matters, speaking out also matters. Racism, sexism and bigotry matter.
Intentions and perspectives matter. Why do perspective matter? Still wondering, eh? Good, glad you asked bitch. It matters because it’s how someone feels about something or a group, their point of view on any matter. Like is it safe here? Well it didn’t feel safe in Utah anymore. Does someone have ill intentions, like supremacy? Is something trying to hurt us? That shit matters and its mean to try and deprive someone, a whole group of happiness. But were used to bullies, aren’t we?
When I boil -what’s happening in Texas with Gov Greg Abbot (and what it means that he is freeing the convicted murderer Daniel Perry), down to one word, the word is evil. Really bitches, open your eyes and look at it in its rawest form! Look, do you see what the message says? It says, “If you are white and stand up for black people’s rights or date black people, we will shoot you.” Not finished, there’s so much more, “Even if you get arrested, we, the white wing, will get you out. Yes, murder them get pardoned.” Yes, that’s what they do to “traitors!” Scary. What does America as a whole do to traitors? Two opposing sides, cause were the majority, not them.
Murder and a pardon, well that sure as shit sounds like the devil to me. Don’t get me wrong, I love white people. I love me some white menz too. Gobble, gobble, motha fucka. It’s delicious and my favorite kind of white people are the menz, LOL,- I gobble it up. I’m also a Jew fucker, so there’s that. I’m not racist. If you are gay or part of the queer community or even support us, the white wing I’m speaking of doesn’t like you either. They’d sooner drive a car through you at a rally than be on your side, or my side. This is a very different hateful group, but the same evil spirit from the past, Hitler vibes.
They are trying to hit rewind, to take us back to an era, where we the people, don’t matter. We have to speak up and we have to vote blue. If you stay in an era, you aint gotta get in an era. We need to stay in THIS era- where women, blacks, Jews, Mexicans, Asians and Queer people have rights.
Want to know what I think? Well good bitch cause I was just about to tell you. I think we’re at war with this evil Hitler spirit and its slowly taking swipes at us over and over. Do we not even recognize it? Or do we recognize it and don’t know how to answer it? Remember that over 11 million people died when they didn’t respond to evil quickly back then. They died because they didn’t speak out for each other. I’m speaking out for you and for me too, bitch. Do you hear me? Be vigilant, be careful, if you see something- say something.
Before I fast-forward or transition, I would like to know just how much did Justice Clarence Thomas sell his house to Billionaire Harlan Crow for? He’s the leading donor to Republican and conservative causes and hangs out with the Justice and his extremest wife. Was it for more than what the house was actually worth? Is he so rich that what he done- did, was bought himself a Justice? Just how much is a Justice worth? Is he that rich? So rich that the laws don’t apply to his friend Clarence, a Justice who appears to have broken a federal disclosure law that was passed back in the Watergate days? Remember that’s when they tried to lie and control you again, back then. But back then we had scruples. And people knew right from wrong. That’s when people actually cared about the truth, our country, democracy, lying, cheating, and stealing. Now it seems Republicans are rabbid, diseased with greed and power. They don’t play fair, when are we going to get that through our skulls? Or does there have to be another 11 million of our skulls lost?
Can America call for an immediate vote to determine if Justice Clarence Thomas should vacate the seat? I think we should demand it. Speak out! Let’s hit fast forward, not rewind. Just cause it hasn’t been done before doesn’t mean that we can’t do it today. Let the people decide. Justices can not be criminals and he won’t get a fair trial, cause they rigged it. Let the people decide with a vote.
Now transitioning- fast forwarding, to other happy news, news that also fights against bigotry, racism, and prejudice just by existing. And it exists because of Ru Paul. MamaRu, Ruples, Ru Mother Fucking Paul bitches. Bravo, for that gold gown. Is that gown -gold butta? Mustard butta? I’m such a basic gay, I’m learning all these new ways to be and think in Palm Springs. And now its safe and probably not weird to learn a multipole of shades of color too. I get to let go of all those weird social rules that once weighted me down. I’m just going to call it GOLD, Gold like an Emmy, Gold like an Oscar, Gold like a plethora of bricks and coins of your purse bitch. Gold- every award gold. You. Deserve. Gold. Bitch.
I hope you know your worth, and not just net or your dolla bill worth. The human rights side of it, Ruples is changing the world. There’s nothing more important than improving the lives of a generation and generations to come. Now, that’s ‘spensive! It’s a heavy cost and a heavy payment to make, but our people, queer people reep the rewards. No better quality in a human to have. I hope that along with your (her) Moonman for best inspirational and motivational show of our lifetime, that you (she) get even more paid, with more gold and queer joy.
Bitches, be out there chasing their dreams. That’s fucking awesome to watch on TV. Gold, you deserve all the gold, Ruples. Love deserves gold.
Did you see who won? Did you see the mother tuckin Sasha Colby and Anetra face off? That felt right and it felt, AMAZING BITCHES. Anetra was great, Sasha Colby was just FUCKING BETTER, or BUTTA! It may not have been “black butta” but that shit was definately butta. She spread that butta all over my TV. Gurl, just don’t get it on my toast, cause I’m allergic to fish bitch. But AMAZING fish it twas. Like, she said, “I’mma put my pussy print right here, here, stompit here, pussy print here and here a smear.” “Here a smear, there a smear, everywhere a smear, smear.” Cause your (her) vagwas all over our mother fucking TVs. Bitch, my burnt up screen caught fire and all I smelled was burnt fish. Fish-fa-laid, laid, laid. It was on fire! Molten hot pussy just shooting hot steamy magma pussy everywhere. Pussy on mother fucking fire? Duh. I think I might have even got some pussy juice on me from the tv and I was a few feet away from it. Gross, cause I’m gay and vaginas are ugly, but you are one bad ass motha fuckin drag queen. I think you got your menses on my screen girl. Anybody got a tampon? That bitch bled on me and I think I’m pregnant.
Wow, even Lucy Ladookie looked happy with the Shasha Colby performance. She didn’t even say she thought she won that too, she probably thought it though. Luxx is beauty and beauty is fashion, bitch. I could see some humility in what she (you) said in her (your) introduction, likely from negative comments. Don’t humble yourself now hunty, now you serve. Bitch, ignore the comments. That’s why I have mine on this site turned off. Cause there’s always hateful bitches who go out of their way to try to dim your shine. Bitch be fashion, fuck them hateful hoes. You are beautiful fashion, that’s black butta like da otha Fish-fa-laid, laid, laid lady said. You heard marine life Lady Ruples, “Black butta.” They should be celebrating you, not hating. Luxx, don’t you start apologizing for who you are now. Don’t you let them beat that Luxxxfidence out of you. Don’t you do it.
Mistress, also fucking great performance, great face. Give ‘em all dat face bitch! Let them eat it up. Si se puede, cunty bitch. Yaaaas, we all hungry fur it! OMG, were yall scared? They lifted that big bitch and I lived for it. It made my back hurt just watching, and I loved it entirely. Then Willow Pill, love that song. Cause I hate people too, well not people but the idea that there’s a group that always has to try and take others happiness away or even the path of happiness. And Jinx, we thought she was/is an amazing talent. And Sasha Colby is in a class all her own. Condragulations. (Such talented fucking people)
I hit rewind so many times in this season I couldn’t even venture to take a guess how many times. More times than I have in any other season, that’s the truth. Rewind/DVR was my friend this season. I also jumped out of my seat more times this season than any other season. It was a great fucking season. Yay, bitches, get your dreams. And Es Titties you don’t have to try to take others down to get at your dreams either, that’s ugly. Unless its Ladookie- then you can. Hehehe, that’s different, that’s funny. Fine, Ladookie looked okay too.
Thanks for filling my cup and giving me a space to be myself.
With Love,
The Happy Homo
PS Perspective definition- a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.
PSS “A federal disclosure law passed after Watergate requires justices and other officials to disclose the details of most real estate sales over $1,000. Thomas never disclosed”
PSS That poor murder victim’s mother and fiancé . Wrapping our arms around you Ms. Whitney Mitchell. May we all wrap our arms around you. I could see your pain in the CNN segment. You are reliving it, and then reliving it again. I’m so sorry. She also said she’s being gaslit. Listen, she is speaking up. The way he, the murdered, her fiance was depicted, wow he was actually a good guy. A good guy that took good care of you (her). I’m sorry his life was stolen, and he was murdered. (She said she couldn’t live without him- oh my goodness, hurt my heart).
PSSS Abbot your mean disgusting human being and we see you and the white power side you’re on. Freeing people who murder other humans for standing up for equality and decency, and the proper treatment of our black brothers and sisters is wrong. Gov Abbot, that’s gross. And evil things go to hell.
PSSSS The victim’s Mom appears to have faith that if he looks at the evidence Gov Abbot will change his mind. I’m not convinced. He is showing you who he is, why are we not believing him? I’m sorry honey he knows how guilty he is. He don’t give a fuck. I’m sorry I mean no disrespect to the Mom, my heart goes out to her. I just don’t have her kind of faith in him.
PSx5 Could you see during their performance, Anetra looked like she wanted to watch Sasha too. LOL You know you did, gurrrl we all did. You also did amazing. #2 to Sasha Colby, bam! Anetra just -WOW.
PSX6 “Daniel Perry, whom Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has pledged to pardon for the murder of an Austin protester, often made racist comments and regularly made clear his desire to kill protesters in the months leading up to Garrett Foster’s death, according to social media posts and texts contained in newly unsealed court documents. On May 29, 2020, days after George Floyd’s murder by a Minneapolis police officer prompted nationwide protests, Perry sent a text message saying, “I might go to Dallas to shoot looters.”,contained%20in%20newly%20unsealed%20court “
PSx7 Sasha Colby, bitch you need to bring some Windex to my house and clean your pussy juice from my TV. You got that pussy everywhere! Bravo. WINDEX!
PSx8 Sasha Colby gives me the same fun feels I get when I see a Jennifer Lopez Affleck or Beyonce performance on the screen. Same essence. Same stardom power or it should be, will be. You a mixture of both! A JeBe? Aah, that was my beautiful friend’s name back in high school/college. She is gorgeous! Jebby is beautiful and so is Sasha Colby, you a JeBe! Sexy bitch. Cute new word- she’s a rare JeBe, that Bitch is a Goddess. Goddess of more than just hair flips. There’s also tits, ass, legs, thigh, fried chicken, and butta that she rules.
PSx9 Also Jebby’s husband is fucking hoooot- hawt. What, Jeb? He is! You don’t want me to lie as I’m building readers. She will probably never read this anyhow. LOL
PSx10 Who is she? Well she’s me, bitch. And she’s Luxx, bitch. Lee Castillo in the truth telling and queer joy era.
PSx11 Trying it out. Cash App if you like this story or any of them. I don’t even know if anyone is reading this. I feel like they are. In an Anetra voice, “Nasty?” Cash app handle is the gayest thing ever and I love it! Aah Cher, we love you. Its- $hair801 (I hope that doesn’t back fire- LOL gurl gotta make money somehow. I’d rather write than sell it.)
PSx12 If this actually turns into anything, how honest do I get to actually be? Do I finally get the last word with all those bullies and bitches over the years? Like, seriously, all those fucking bullies. Year after year trying to dim my shine. Not mine and not yours. I fucking shine. I’m a good person. Look at her, she got da power of de pen. De’penis. De pen is power.
PSx13 Miley’s right, “Don’t f- with my freedom. I came up to get me some, (In Palm Springs) I’m nasty, I’m evil.Must be something in the water, or that I’m my mother’s daughter” Don’t fuck with my freedoms. Don’t fuck with our freedoms.
PSx14 Vote- Like Oprah said, that Maya Angelou said, “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.”