So, I openly admit I’m coming out as a heterosexual… okay, I’m totes kidding. The recent election results didn’t scare me enough to live a lie or move out of the country (yet). But it might be reason enough for so many of our brothers, sisters, and gender nonconforming people (and let’s not forget women) living in super red states (over the next four years) to find safety and solitude elsewhere.  

What I was really going to say before my stoner brain said to joke about being straight, as if, is about my addictions.  Yes, I openly admit that I have turned off all news stations (my porn addiction). This took place post-election, but I am slowly introducing myself back into it.   I think it’s kinda like after not bottoming for a while, you ease your way back on to that dick, slowly (at first).  I anticipate I’ll be up to my elbows in CNN soon enough.

I know I’m a little bit late, but I also wanted to comment on the latest news, “I Knew’d News!” I just made that up, ‘I Knew’d News’ (like Drews News) but more like as if the ghetto empath in me was commenting on something.  And that something today is about that hot young sexy ab dude getting arrested after a nationwide manhunt for him, you know the one that shot the CEO of United Healthcare. Yes, the hot one.

Yup, I knew’d this day would come.  The only way you are going to get dem bitches with their foots on yo’ necks to take ‘em off is (sadly) to use some force.  I mean, we’d hope they would have just taken it off our necks in the first place, but their greed comes at your expense, the expense of those you love, and our planet. Get dem foots off our necks!  I knew’d it was bound to happen.  *Head wabble* Didun’t you?

As my brown eyed peepers scoured the CNN logos on my tv screen (like they missed seeing Anderson and friends) one of the many questions that I thought bubbled was, “Oh shit, is this really happening? Is he (Luigi) a start to a new rebellion that challenges the wealthy greedy CEOs, Executives, and politicians that refuse to put people and the planet first?”  “Is he a slow or fast trickle to actual real justice? Is this real justice?  Is he really from the left side that was initially believed to be spineless cowards? But now they have guns, courage, and spines?” 

BTW, mmmm…mmmm, have you seen his pictures? That dude is pretty yums. Them abs.  That chest.  I’d hold the inside of his pulled-out prison suit pocket if I was his cell mate.  (I think that means I’d be his bitch, but I am not super versed in jail, but I do speak Spanglish and Papi te chupa la verga!)   (Ugh, even when I type in Spanglish I sound like a white girl.)

Is this guy becoming a modern-day Robin Hood? This is such a weird fucking time in American history!

After falling into my porn hole (yes by porn I mean a new’s hole), I was filled with a bit of anxiety… which is why it’s a good time to disconnect, but not stay disconnected! The time may come that we are all needed to answer the patriotic call as American citizens and fight against those wanting to oppress you, take away your money, and your rights.   I figure that I just want to be connected a wittle bit, cause I want to know what the plan is… if there is one; cause I love a good plan.

Didn’t you knew’d that something like this was gonna happen? I see all those social media posts “Eat the rich…”  etc.  But this is different. Come to find out that that this potential Robin from the Hood, is actually not from the hood at all. This “leader” of a new rebellion comes from a wealthy family, he’s one of them. 

My apologies, I’ve been watching too much Disney channel and Star Wars- “New Rebellion vs the Dark Side.” I sure do love me some Disney and who knewd it might just become our reality?   Is this the first move to equalize the playing field for all Americans? And was this move really made by another rich white affluent ivy league educated hot man with abs?  Are there other moves yet to be made? 

You know it must be really bad and oppressive if even the white man gets angry enough to shoot a CEO.  The rest of us have been indoctrinated to believe the American dream is accessible to all of us and that we need to wait patiently, peacefully, and obediently cause the oppressors will eventually come around, won’t they? I think Luigi knows better.

I further thought bubbled, “Is this his (Luigi’s) way of saying to the public that he knows this is the only way that rich greedy men who want to take away your rights, money and choices will listen? Violence? Challenging their safety like they have done so often to your own? Standing up for yourself and for your community with weapons, if need be? And guess what you dumb bitch (talking to myself – don’t get mad), they never planned on taking their foots off yo’ necks! – Ever!” 

I thought about if I should even acknowledge this in writing, but then I thought bubbled again, “Might as well say whatever I want while we have the right to do so.”   And did you see that the rejected She Hulk also got a threat after the shooting?  Do you think that it was Russia just stirring the pot, cause they want a weak America?  Or do you think they fake those threats just to beef up their own security cause they are also scared?  

I got lots of questions for the universe and what this homo really wants to know… is there really a rebellion? I’m only asking for a friend… who identifies as rebellion curious. (Fuckin Star Wars is so inside my brain!)  (Yes, Sir Daddy Darth, Luke is my mister sister and I played with his lightsaber.)

And yaaaas, I know that the plural tense for foot is feet and not foots. And yes, I know that I’m not using Knew’d it correctly. That’s what is totes awesome about having my own blog, I can write how educated or uneducated I want to make it feel as fun as I want; after all it is a scary topic.  And I want to find some glimmers in the darkness. Turning scary into something kind of the fun to read and write about, this bizarre time in our world history, is proving to be therapeutic for me.

We are living through American World history right now. These moments will be reflected in our history books for centuries, that is if the human race and our planet survives such a neglectful and hateful administration. I am still struggling to believe that we’ve elected a president who is clearly a scary self-serving person just because he’s a white man, instead of a decent woman who has been protecting us from criminals her whole life.   It feels off, like something isn’t right. 

We are now living in Bizzarro World where up is down, good people are bad people, and the devil wins. He has infected people with the evil spirit of hate and is further choking out democracy, the freedom of the press, and freedom of choice.  The world as we know it could be changing for the worst and could or will eventually become uninhabitable for future generations, killing animals, oceans, and eventually U, US, USA, and all of us; even them!

I recently asked someone if they thought he (Luigi) was the start to a new revolution and this person stated, “There aren’t enough left wing libtards who’d be willing to be revolutionaries in America to make it happen” and that, “Everybody is too complacent for that to happen.”  Is the average oppressed American too complacent? Should we be? I am a big fan of doing nothing and eating a box of See’s Candy while petting my dogs and watching a good JLo movie, but is doing nothing really the answer here? 

If shooting the rich corporate greedy sobs (RCGSOBS) that further enrich themselves at your expense and the expense of the planet is not the answer… what is? Will this planet ever see humans get along? Or is the blood lust, the need to oppress others, and love for destroying things too strong in them?

Will the RCGSOBS even take notice of what happened and change their oppressive behaviors? I have to admit I don’t think so. I’ve been so turned upside down lately that I don’t know what to make of it all.

Is this guy (Luigi) really one of many American Churchills or Roosevelts coming to save America? Is he doing God’s work/will?  Stay safe out there and stand up for each other because we might just be all we have and we can’t get through this on our own. God Bless America.

The Rebelliously Bi-Curious,

The Happy Homo

PS I sure hope when Jesus does come back that he has abs like Luigi. And it feels like He might actually be coming back sooner than later. I pray that when He arrives He is going to tell all the people who are hurting because of oppression, discrimination, and income inequality the truth about who is really behind it- not immigrants.  I also hope that He shouts as loud as He can that He loves gays, happy homos, trans, and gender void people just like he does straights, or black, brown, Jews, Muslims and Christians, and the working and middle classes. 

And BTW, I do recall the Bible said something about the rich man would have some difficulty getting into His New Cool Heaven because of their greed.  Something like, it will be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. Oppressors ARE NOT doing God’s work.  

PSS Turned on the news and was surprised af to see those crazy drones!  Don’t forget we had a drone incident not too long ago at the Air Force Base not too far from us.  So weird- someone is up to something.  Is it the new rebellion?  Is it Russia?  Aliens?  *Gets opera glasses* Can’t wait to see how this turns out.

(Not so secretly hoping its Aliens and that they are here to tell us that someone cheated in the election and that we need to let freedom ring for all people. If ya’ll listensing…. Not all humans are bad, and we need your help. Help unfuck America please!)

PSSS  Ugh, I’m so over this cold.  Been sick the last couple of weeks and it’s hard to do anything when you feel like poop. *blows nose* 

PSSSS  I love this place and I love you, well most of you.

PSX5 So I purchased a new toilet seat with built in bidet. OMG, does it ever make me feel so fresh and so clean, clean. I found myself giving myself my own Bellagio style fountain show to the beats of a Christmas song by Ruples . Hehe

PSX7 Pics