FUUUUUCK YAAAS! The last 4 days of the DNC was just what my little gay Mexican American patriotic heart and soul needed.  I feel like the memory of how awful it was under traitor trump and the havoc he wrecked on our country, Nation’s Capital, and within our very own families and communities was enough to make me feel like we were going backwards.  His actions fucking killed cops! He’s the devil.

I’m so happy to see so many Americans of all backgrounds rallying behind Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov Tim Walz, me included -to say we are not fucking going back bitch! All the performers and speakers spoke right to my soul. The rising stars in the democratic party, the already steadfast warriors from the party that have been fighting the good fight to save our democracy and bring forth equality and opportunities for everybody, along with our candidates ready to fight that evil sob deserve our gratitude, support, and votes.  Time to do something!

I initially wrote a little blog post about porn and how some people I know watch it on the regular. (Which is fine- we’re adults.) My comparison was that the DNC is turning out to be my compulsive addiction and/or “my porn” and it makes my soul sing. It has totes made me stand to attention in a different kinda way and say, “Ssssh, President Momala Harris is talking.”  Or, “Gurrrl, why you calling? Is it an emergency? You know damn well the DNC is on.”     And, “What’s wrong, why you calling?  You know herstory is happening right now and if it’s not an emergency I gotta go.”   I even told my intern that he better not be doing work during the DNC or he was going to be fired (jokingly).

I remember when 9/11 happened and the anger, fear, and sense of patriotic pride bubbled throughout my body.  Just like so many other red-blooded Americans I wanted to enlist in the military and go fight those bitches and make them pay for what they did to our citizens. See there is a definite Christina Aguilera Fighter, Jessica Alba Trigger Warning warrior, and Jennifer Lopez Enough fighter/soldier inside of me that was ready to lose my life to fight the evil that attacked our country.   That sense of patriotism is alive in me today and is taking me to the ballot box, making me think of ways to help get people to register to vote, and to donate to the Kamala Harris for President campaign.

But I didn’t enlist after we were attacked.  At that time, I was on and off in a horrible addiction because I felt alone, abandoned, unloved, and isolated without opportunities.  Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was in full force but I couldn’t rationalize how that would work …cause my face, my eyebrows, my voice, and my vibration tell you I’m a motha’ fuckin homo. There was and is no way to hide that fact- then or now. But I am enlisting in this fight for our democracy now.

And the stories of the integration of these policies make me believe I would have had to fight two battles – one against the evil enemy that crashed those planes into those buildings and the other against bigotry within the military (at that time).   Truth is I’ve always loved our military, officers, and community leaders. I look for the good in the world and so many times that’s where I thought it was. Now I know that it does exist in those establishments but so many other places too, like here in PS and so many places in Utah.

My homosexual essence doesn’t make me any less of a fucking patriot than anyone else.  In fact, it allows me to express myself more freely, be in touch with my emotions more deeply, and not be afraid to speak out for equality for everybody. That’s why I chose to go into social work.  Today, we get to fight that same evil spirit of racism and bigotry, and we get to do it out loud and proud.  We get to do this with all of our gay essence flowing in every direction.

Something I’ve noticed is that many of my trans clients aren’t registered to vote. The feedback I’ve received is their voices have never mattered and no one listens.  Well, I’m listening and I think you matter.  I get it, YOU’VE never had a seat at the table, but now you literally get to choose who sits at that table. You get to tell all the bullies and traitors to our country, “YOU CAN’T SIT WITH US!” or “You can’t sit in the White House.”  You could be the deciding factor in our very own local and federal races. The 41st Congressional District is up for grabs. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO FLIP THAT FUCKING SEAT and replace a Maga loyalist with Will Rollins.  Our community, all the letters therein   have more power than we realize sometimes.  This is one of those times.

To traitor trump I say in the voice of Stilwell from, “A League of Their Own”, “YOUR gonna lose. You stink! Your gonna lose!”  Oh, and fuck you for trying to destroy our great country. You disgusting traitor and vile evil pig. I pray you rot in prison.

traitor trump is going to lose

Future Madame President- Americans of all faiths and backgrounds are enlisted now in this movement. We stand up and stand ready to follow your orders because we are not going back.   

Kamala Harris for President and Tim Walz for Vice President.  Go – fight- win!

A Proud American,

The Happy Homo

PS I think they underestimated U

PSS I think they underestimated US

PSSS I think they underestimated the USA

PSSSS  I love our country and that sense of American pride flowed through my eyes from day 1 all the way through day 4, when our future president accepted the nomination.

PSX5  I’m with Her. I trust Her!  I’m voting Kamala Harris for President.

PSX6 The Chicks got me with the National Anthem.  I was crying out of the gate. 😊 

PSX7 Shit, feels like Michelle Obama called us all out. We better do something. 

PSX8  Evil self-serving traitors don’t get to win, not this time.